Steven's First Piercing

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Hello, Good Eggs, sorry for being gone so long. I won't get into that. Here's a oneshot to make up for it, pwease don' beh mahd. *puppy eyes*


They could hear the dirt crunch beneath their worn shoes on the sidewalk has they passed through a slightly nicer side of town than they were used to. Some buildings had fresher bricks and new layers of paint, and the windows were kept cleaner.

"It'll be fine Steven, just a small pinch. Not even kidding." Axl explained to him calmly with his boyfriend Slash walking beside him, to the Tattoo and Piercing Shop with Steven. He eyed Axl warily and Slash caught his look.

"He's right Steven, it won't hurt at all." He reassured him with a kind smile. He smiled back. A little bell ringed as the door swung open and hit it, announcing their entrance to the employee. There were band posters littering the walls, with the occasional photography. The floor was checkerboard tiles, and kept very clean. Off to the left, there was a person getting a tattoo of a drunk, purple elephant smoking a cigar and holding a Snickers bar on the inside of his thigh. To the right, there was a smaller section with leather couches for a waiting area, and another jointed room with a chair that looked like it belonged in the dentist's office and sterile looking instruments on the counter. They all walked up to the front counter ahead.

"Can I help you?" The person said, seemingly friendly, with her brown hair done up in a neat looking ponytail, freckles and her smiling lips done with light pink lipstick. Steven looked as if he about to start nervously stuttering at the pretty girl, before his buddy Slash swept in and saved him.

"My friend, Steven, is here to get his lobes done!" He says enthusiastically, clapping his hand on his shoulder.

"Well, if he looks down here, we have some studs, regular hoops, and decorative hoops." She cheerfully points to the many earrings encased within the glass counter.

"All of our earrings are either gold or stainless steel, to be allergy friendly." She continues.

"There's allergies for piercings?!" Steven exclaims, alarmed. The girl suddenly looked up at his unexpected tone and spoke calmly.

"Some people have allergies to nickel, and most cheap earrings are made of it. If you do end up having an allergy, try not to wear them for long periods of time. The most that would happen is a small infection in the hole. Just cleanse it with hydrogen peroxide." She smiled at Steven politely and he blushes while continuing to look at the earrings.

He saw many arrays of earrings, studs with gemstones, plain balls, some hoops and extra dangly things on them. What really caught his eye was the gold hoops going through small pieces of uncut rose quartz. They were about a centimeter in diameter.

"I really like these. The gold hoops with pink gems." Steven says quietly, blushing, pointing to the hoops.

"Oh, those are cute! Good choice." She winked at him, causing him to blush deeper. She motioned him to go sit in the seat in the connected room while she gathered the tools to poke holes in his ears. She brought the tray of tools in and set them on the counter, while putting on rubber gloves. Axl and Slash motion that they were going to sit in the waiting area.

"So first I'm going to sterilize your lobes and mark where I'll put the hole." She dipped a q-tip in some clear goo and rubs it on both sides of each lobe. Then she got a little green marker, inspects what direction his lobes go, and marks the spots accordingly so the needle doesn't go to the side of his lobe, or through his head.

"It's good that you chose a Tattoo place to get this done, because using a piercing gun at some place in the mall or something isn't the safest way. Sometimes the gun gets stuck in your ear, and you can't even sterilize it! After they're done piercing, they just clean it off with something and put it back in the drawer! Awful, right?" She explains with interest. Steven looked horrified at the new information.

"That is awful! How could someone even consider using one?" He says. She nods at him with a knowing expression, while opening a packet, lined with more clear goo and a needle inside.

"At a tattoo and piercing shop, however," She wiped off some of the gel from the needle with her glove. "We use individually packaged, pre-sterilized needles and throw them away directly after. We don't even use the same needle on the other lobe. Now I'm going to poke the hole in your ear, please try not to move." She said gently.

Steven cemented himself in the chair, staring straight forward, almost nervously sweating. The lady sent him a small, reassuring smile from his left, and he relaxed a little. She lined the needle up to the marked spot on his lobe and carefully pressed the needle in. Steven feels a little pinch on his lobe and desperately tries not to freak out and jump. She slides the needle out and the earring in effortlessly.

"You can hold this on your ear to stop the bleeding." She hands him a sterile tissue and she walks to his right side. She lines the needle up once again and pushes it through gently. She takes the needle out and slides the earring in, holding another sterile napkin to his ear.

"All done!" She removes the napkin once the bleeding stopped, and Steven did the same.

"Try not to twist or fiddle with them, people say that the skin will grow on the earrings, but that's just an old wives' tale. It will only cause infection if you touch them. For the first month, cleanse with saline piercing wash twice daily, and once daily for the second month. You can change them out after 8 weeks." She told him. He smiled at her warmly and she handed him a mirror to look the new jewelry. The gold and pink complimented his look nicely and made him look that much cuter.

"Thank you so much, I'm very sorry, but what's your name?" Steven asked.

"My name is Lucy." She blushed and smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy." He smiled back at her.

Steven got up from the chair, and walked back out to the from counter. He looked over at Axl and Slash and pointed to his new piercings with a grin. They gave him a thumbs up and he turned towards the counter.

"How much does this cost?" He asked her.

"Thirty dollars for each piercing." She smiled at him. Steven took out his wallet and pulled out 2 twenties and 2 tens. He handed them to her and she took them to the register and printed a receipt. She wrote for a minute and then handed it to him. He smiled at her and she winked as Axl and Slash got up and walked with Steven to the door.

"Hey Steven, what's on the bottom of the receipt?" Axl asked him.

Steven looked at the bottom and saw 7 numbers. 310-7539. She had written her phone number.

'Sweet!' He grinned for a minute, and looked through the window of the shop and winked at Lucy and continued walking down the street with Slash and Axl. Steven's day just got a hole lot better.


I hope you enjoyed this :,) Another Steven oriented chapter will hopefully be up soon. Don't forget to be happy today!

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