Axl's Birthday

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Hey Axlsspandex , remember how you told me not to do anything for your birthday? I just couldn't help myself, you deserve a present! Ilysm!!!! Hope you like it bitch! In this AU, Axl's birthday is July 29th, 1962, and a specific person never cut his hair and grew a mustache. Also, he hadn't met Jim yet and Prenter doesn't exist.

⊱ ────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ────────── ⊰

"Slash, where are you taking me?" Axl asked, slightly frustrated.

His green eyes were covered with a blindfold, and he was walking hesitantly wherever Slash guided him. Occasionally, his foot would hit something, making him panic for a moment, thinking he would run into something.

"I wanted to do something very special for your birthday. I hope you're happy with it. Scratch that, there's no way you won't like it." Slash snickered to himself, proud he had set this up for his beloved. Slash turned him around, and set him straight, then held his hands.

"You're going to love it, baby." Slash said lovingly.

Axl carefully pulled off the blindfold, squinting at the slightly dim but still painful lighting. They were standing in the backstage area of a venue, outside. He couldn't hear a crowd, so he assumed it was well before or well after a show. But by whom? He looked to his boyfriend, standing in front of him, raising his eyebrow.

"If you think I would just fall in love with you more if you gave yourself as a present you're wro-" Axl was then cut off when Slash turned him around to see Queen and Elton John, standing in front of him, smiling and waving. His favorite band and artist of his childhood. His mouth was agape, and he stared for a good seven seconds at them all.

"Well, don't just stand there, darling! Come give me a hug, birthday boy." Freddie opened his arms.

Axl stood for another moment before rushing into his arms, very excited to meet his idol of a decade and a half. Freddie was wearing skinny jeans, with his mother's lace top he hadn't worn for a long time. His long, dark brown hair fell over his shoulders, his face clean shaven.

"Well, what about me?" Elton gave him a big smile.

Axl walked quickly over to hug him, as well. The burgundy silk button up he was wearing was soft to the touch, and the black leather pants complimented the look. He was also wearing large, heart glasses.

"Slash, you did this? For me?" Axl asked, sporting large heart eyes of his own.

Slash stood sheepishly, grinning and blushing behind his hair and top hat, looking to the floor and scratching behind his neck.

"Well, yeah...-"

Slash was enveloped in a bigger, tighter hug than Freddie or Elton, with a few tears hitting his chest.

"Thank you. I love you, so, so much. I don't deserve you."

This was one of the few moments Axl showed his softer side, sniffing a little and rubbing the tears away, wearing a huge grin. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"I kinda 'booked' them to spend the week with us..."

Axl's eyes went wide at that statement, you could practically see the stars in his eyes.

"You WHAT!?" He was nearly vibrating and jumping up and down his mouth agape.

Slash giggled and hugged his boyfriend. Axl wiped a tear from his eye and wraps his arms around his boyfriends neck.

"Let's go get something to drink, yeah? I think we're all pretty parched." Elton suggested.

"There's a bar called The Whiskey nearby." The redhead mentioned. They all hooted and cheered, heading in the direction of the local bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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