~Your reward~

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First off I'd like to take a look at how cute Eevee is in this, Eevee is adorable. TRY AND CHANGE MY MIND! UwU 

Daniel just got back from the hospital and David being the innocent and nice person, let Daniel back at camp. He hasn't shown Daniel to the campers though. He has been sitting in David's cabin the whole day. 

Little did Davey know that Daniel was going to give him "a reward".  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Alrighty, campers!" "It's time for bed!", David shouted enthusiastically. 

"I'll be binge-watching the new season of teen prison mom wars," said Gwen. (I think that's what it is, tell me if I'm wrong please)  

"Okay, Gwen!" David said happily. 

As Gwen walked to her cabin David remembered that Daniel was in his! 

'oh hooey!' 'he doesn't know where everything is'. 

David unlocked his cabin door and couldn't see Daniel anywhere.

David yelped in surprise as the door closed loudly. 

He saw Daniel standing at the door with a smirk on his face. 

"h-hey Daniel, how are you?" David asked stuttering a bit. 

Daniel then put his arms on David's waist pushing him against the wall. 

"D-Daniel!?" David said surprised. 

"Just roll with it, my love~," Daniel said with lust in his voice. 

Daniel started kissing David smoothly then roughly when David wouldn't open his mouth. He bit on his bottom lip hard that some blood started to trickle down. David whimpered and gasped from the pain. This leaving moment that Daniel could stick his in tongue inside of David's mouth. 

Daniel started marking everything in David's mouth his. David is a blushy, red, and hot mess. Daniel departed the kiss as he looked at the camp man's eyes. "Feeling....good, Davey~?" Daniel said in a deep lustful voice. 

David was too flustered to say anything and just looked down at his feet. "Not responding?" "Well I can fix that," Daniel said seductively (OH SHIT HE GOIN ALL IN OWO) 

Daniel picked up David and pinned him to the bed.  "Daniel, p-please c-can we just s-sleep?" David stuttered.  "Later~, after I give you your reward for letting me stay," Daniel purred in David's ear.  He shivered as Daniel purred that in his ear. 

"Now Davey, do as I say or else you'll get punished more...roughly," Daniel said. David nodded in agreement still blushing like no tomorrow. 

Daniel took off David's bandana and kissed his neck trying to find his sweet spot. "ngaahh~" David moaned. David covered his face in embarrassment. Daniel needed to hear the noise again.  "Dan- ahhhhhh~ mgnahhh~!" David moaned. Daniel kept on biting, kissing, and licking the spot until there was a mark left on it. 

David wouldn't admit it, but he was finding a hell ton of pleasure in what Daniel is doing. Daniel started taking off David's clothes, slowly, so he could hear David whimper. Daniel felt his member get hard at the sight of David's chest. It was cute at the freckles he had on his chest. His body a little tanned because of working at camp. 'He is just so perfect!' Daniel thought. 

Daniel gave soft gentle kisses from his neck down to his pants. He started unbuckling David's belt and undid his shorts. David blushed blood red as Daniel stared at the bulge in his boxers. Daniel started palming David's member. As a reward, David started moaning and panting while gripping Daniel's hair. 

Daniel took off his pants and boxers. David looked at how big Daniel's ding dong is. IT'S FOX DUNGIN' 10 INCHES 0W0. 

Daniel started grinding on David. "Daniel~!" "It feels good...," David said in between breaths. "Does the puppy, like it~?" Daniel whispered. "y-yes," David said flustered. All of a sudden Daniel thrust his member into David's mouth. 

"NYAAH!" David moaned. He couldn't say anything really as Daniel starting to go up and down. "suck on me David~," Daniel said in a deep voice. Hearing that made David shiver and close his eyes halfway. This making Daniel close to his climax. David nodded and began licking Daniel's member. 

"Davey~ ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Daniel moaned. Hearing Daniel moaning his name, David starting sucking harder and faster. "Davey..I-I'm....c-cum!" is all Daniel could say in between pants. Without warning, Daniel came in David's mouth. Soon after making Daniel cum. The liquid staining the sheets a bit. David swallowed all of it and smiled for a second, but stopped immediately because he is still blushing like no tomorrow.

 Daniel pulled out of Davey and let him breathe. Daniel then spooned David and whispered deeply "I hope you enjoyed the reward I gave you for letting me stay here." David gave a soft peck on the lips to say "Your welcome." The two slowly drifted off to sleep.\

So ya, that is the first smut thing I ever did. I made this to see how well I could do. Maybe I'll make more. WHO KNOWS :0. I hope y'all have a good day/night

author's edit: Other chapters are better I SWEAR! 

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