~I pat you~

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In this, David is a Neko uwu. I get to make furry shit. 

~David POV~

I've always had a love for an apartment. A small cottage kind of just to myself. It's also beneficial for the fact that I have cat ears and a tail. 

My mom never told me where I got my cat ears and tail from. I had concluded that it was probably from my dad, but I never saw him around.  Mom said that he is off traveling the world because he was getting too old. 

Some people in the past have found out that I am a half-cat. They try to do things to me that I don't like, so I don't have any friends. My mom said it's common for us nekos.  I don't like that it's common though.  At least I still get away with my virginity! 

"Heep!" I mumbled as I picked up a box. It wasn't that light but not heavy. My tail swished back and forth casually as my ears directed themselves to all the new sounds. They always seem to have a mind of their own. 

"I can't believe this is all mine!" I say giggling. 

"eEEP!" I squeak as I step on my tail. I almost fall to the ground. I'm such a clumsy person. My 

I set the box down and look around my room. It was small but not too small. My room has a queen-sized bed it looks like. In reality, all I'm going to use as someplace to sleep is just stacking a bunch of pillows on myself. It takes up time and is fun to do. 

~time skip because we're lazy lmao~

By the time I get to move all the boxes to their correct spots and unpack my room a bit, it's already 7:30 PM. I groan as my cat ears lower. The apartment is going okay you could say. A lot of things have been done. The couch has been set up with the coffee table. The entirety of the kitchen is finished. All that needs to be done is my bedroom and some of the living room. 

I sit up and stretch my back. It doesn't crack so it leaves me uncomfortable. My tail swishes at the dissatisfaction. I feel mu body willingly move to lay on the couch. It's super warm and soft for some parts. Normally I stretch when I  get comfortable like this. I rub my ears on the rough parts of the couch to scratch them while my tail curls and uncurls. This truly is one of the best parts of my cat side. 

The blinds were closed, never going to show the outside world who is living inside. I sit my head up and looked around. In the kitchen is the light above where I put the coffee maker. My cat ears flicker at the source of light. Everything else is dark and it somewhat bothers me. 

That's when I hear the vibration of my phone on the coffee table. My ears stand at attention and my tail sits up tall. It vibrates up and down a bit. Part of me doesn't want to pick up but I have to know because it might be important. Also, the noise is too loud and my ears are sensitive. 

I stretch the upper part of my body to grab my phone. When I have it in my hand, a name shows up on the screen. 

"Daniel" it reads. A smile spreads across my face. Daniel has been my friend for a while now. We met in high school. He was a Senior and I was a freshman. My brother introduced us since he is also friends with him. 

He had invited Daniel over for some games and being the social type of person, I pestered my brother to let me play with him. My brother is also a part cat, so we wear beanies around the house with guests over. Except for my mother. She doesn't have cat ears. Even if she did, she never told me. 

Every time Daniel and I laughed and had fun together, my cat ears would perk up in my beanie. He would mock me though for wearing cat ear headbands under my beanie. Then he would ruffle my head. When he did, it felt nice to have them scratched. 

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