~No Homo Though~

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NO HOMO! BUT THAT'S THE DAY I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU. Sorry, this is late.  draft created like 6 months ago. Enjoy some fluff because I now consumed myself into ao3. 

Daniel POV

I'm not gay. I'm hella straight.

David is cute. In the way of him being innocent and happy. 

I am straight I swear. 

David's smile always sends butterflies to my stomach. For the reason that he always finds the positive sides of things. Also, when I'm down, seeing his smiles brightens my day. It's what I work for to make happen. His lips always curve into the perfect smile. All of it is genuine as well. There's nothing fake about it. Sometimes though, I see him sad because of whatever happened that day. That's when I make it my personal mission to cheer him up with anything.

I'm not gay. I'm hella straight.

David's clothes always hug the right parts of his body. I'm not saying that I've never fantasized about him being in lingerie before because I have. He has the perfect body in my opinion. It's tanned enough from being in the sun all day, and I don't see any tan lines on him. It would be one of my greatest dreams just to put my hands on his curves and hold him in my arms. Also, I'd love to hold him down while doing other things to him.

I'm straight, okay, you have to trust me. 

Then his face is something that I'd love to squish every day. I'm sure he's hiding skincare routine in the cabin bathroom we share somewhere. He has freckles that stretch across his face, and it's like I'm staring down at stars. David's eyes are like no other and sparkle when he's excited about something or happy that Max hasn't burned down the camp today. My favorite part about his face has to be his lips. I'd love to kiss them so badly.

Maybe I would be able to make him feel good. I would leave hickeys all over his neck just so people know that he's mine forever. I would ask if he's feeling okay during anything that we do. Any of his kinks I would be fine with. As long as he's happy to be with me. 


It's nearing the end of the summer and I think I've got close to David more than ever. While the days go by in a blur, leading to the end of summer camp, I get the courage to ask him out. Gwen gave me a thumbs up and headed off to sleep. She also told me that David was probably setting up activities for the next day. 

I thanked her and headed off toward where the activities field is. Just like Gwen said, I saw him setting up traffic cones for what looks like another toy car race. The kids somehow got toy cars from digging up holes. We still don't know why there were toy cars buried in the ground. Thank god they still worked because we are running out of ideas for the last week. 

"Hey, David!" I stuffed my hands into my pockets to seem more casual, but inside I'm freaking the fuck out. 

David jumped up and the traffic cones fell out of his hands. He turned around and I saw a faded blush on his face. Then he wiped his hands and gave me a shy wave.

"What do you need, Daniel?" he asked in his chirpy voice. 

This is my time to shine. David did show some signs of attraction towards me at certain times. Now that I have my moment, I'm looking back at all of those times and trying to debunk them for regular interactions. I've just been staring at him with my eyes calm and my mouth open.

I saw David look behind him then tilted his head to the side in confusion. Then his movements started to get erratic and he looked uncomfortable. My gaze does feel like it's burning a hole into his face. For some reason, I'm stuck in the same position and I can't move.

"Um," David opened his hand a bit in a concerning gesture. 

I finally snapped out of it.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" I asked, moving my hand to the back of my head.

David looked surprised and a crimson blush spread across his face. It complimented his freckles. He started stammering a lot and looked me dead in the eye. His mouth had tried to form certain words, but nothing came out. I thought he was going through a mental breakdown at the moment like me earlier, so I gave him some time.

A few minutes pass and David is still trying to form words. I step a little further into his space. David doesn't seem to notice it. I then wrap my arms around his waist and bring him forward a bit. He stumbles for a second which gets him to shut up for the time being. 

"David, I love you a lot, if you don't want to give me an answer now, that's fine," I ran a hand through his hair. He moved his face to stare at the ground.

"But I do love you a lot, and I would do anything for you, even if-," I was cut off by David shushing me with his index finger.

He looked like a god damn angel at that moment.  All of it is just for me to see as well. His eyes were lit up in the crescent moonlight. I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but I didn't want to change anything and ruin our relationship.

"I love you a lot, Daniel, and I do want to be with you!" he jumped up and down in my arms. I'm not going to lie, he did rub against my crotch a bit and I had to try so hard to keep a cool face. 

I shook my head and smiled at him. He giggled back and wrapped his arms around my neck. I looked down at him and he looked up at me. We went silent for a few seconds and slowly drifted towards each other. Our lips were so close to making contact and the tension is killing me.


It happens. It feels like two worlds crashing together. I savor the moment as much as I can. David clearly doesn't have much experience, so I try the best I can to guide him. We go slow and steady. I give a few teeth and tongue and David squeaks. In all this is one of the best experiences I've had.

We stop kissing to breathe and look at each other again. David giggles again and I boop his nose. 

"I'm ready to head off to bed, how about you?" I ask.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," David gives me a peck on the cheek and I start walking back to the cabin.

No homo? Yes, homo. Fuck it. 

Danvid smut and fluff stuffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon