~I need that halo in me~

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A/N Woah that title....ummmm. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm trying to keep my mind safe, but it isn't working. 

David POV 

I died, (Oh big fat F).  Lmao jk ;). 

Ever since that one day,  I fell in love with Camp Campbell and nature.  Helping nature around this part of the forest for 14 years did give me something in return. I have been gifted to be an angel (PURE INNOCENT BOI :0). Only other angels and special people in this world can see my halo and wings. 

There are cool things I can do as an angel. Even though certain people can't see my halo, it makes me shine a little. Which I think is pretty cool. I can fly even if the people can't see my wings. My wings also are a big feathery blanket, so I use them during the cold nights. 

Now you know about me let me get on with the story you're reading! (fourth wall much? pfft

"Okay kids this is Daniel!" I said doing jazz hands. (ya like jazz? ;) okay I'll stahp). Daniel gave a grin to all the kids. 

~Time skip~ brought to you by Nikki screaming "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE KOOL-AID"

Daniel POV 

These kids will be the perfect sacrifice to zeemug (I feel like everyone needs to know that zeemug auto corrected to "see mug"). My interest perked even more into this camp when I saw an angel here. I'm not fucking joking. The councilor, David, has wings the halo and everything! It surprised me that nobody else is questioning the angel in the room, but I'm sure that they know he is one. 

David left Gwen with the kids to show me around the camp. "This is the councilor cabin since we don't have another bed for you, I'll let you sleep in my bed and I can sleep on the floor," said David. For some reason, part of me wanted for him to sleep with me. I pushed that feeling back and focused on what David is saying. 

He showed me the activity field and the lake. I decided to ask him about being an angel and stuff. "So David, do you mind telling me why you have wings and a halo?" I asked. David looked at me shocked. He tried to say something, but nothing came out. 

"I.....I.....I uhhhhhhhh," is all David could say. After what seemed like hours David gestured me to the councilor's cabin. 

We sat down on his bed and an awkward silence started. The atmosphere is so thicc you could cut in with a knife. A few minutes pass and David finally spoke. 

"I am an angel," David said. 'Well, no shit sherlock' I thought. "How long have you been one?" I asked. "14 years," David answered. That shocked me a lot, I didn't know why though.  

I started to examine him. David didn't seem to mind that much, but kept scooted away a but or flinching when I touched his wings. 'So very sensitive ey?' I thought, 'Maybe if I break his wing, he couldn't fly away and he could be mine!' OKAY, MIND WTF. I still wanted to break his wing though, I like watching people suffer in pain. 

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