Chapter 3) It's like We're Captured, but it's really not...

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Author's Note: I liked the idea for the title, even though it's super long.

*Few Hours Ago*

Venomous had just gotten off the phone with someone. It wasn't someone random, more like Boxman. They were good friends, though it was easy for Boxman to trigger Venomous, but he would make up for it in the end. He hasn't really seen him since the Villain's night, so it would be nice to see him? He didn't really know with all the news going around.

He went behind Carol and wispered to her, "I have somewhere to be. I'll meet you at the dojo tomorrow." He kissed her on the cheek, and then went in a different direction.

His car was parked normally in the parking lot (for some reason), so he went in and aimed for going back to his house.

*few minutes later*

After reaching home, he quickly got out of the car, went over to where the trash can was, and tossed in a cloak and a black, long jacket. Then slammed the lid on it. Hopefully trash day's soon. He thought. Venomous quickly ran inside, grabbed his lab coat, and then started searching the house for Fink.

"FINK! Come on. We got invited to a... nice dinner at Boxmore." He yelled for her. She ran downstairs before quickly stopping in front of him and pushed her phone into his face. It showed the recent news articles which all related to the big reveal.

"Your secret got out." She said with a small smirk.
"Yeah yeah, come on. We can't be lat- I mean we can, but he clearly PROBABLY wants answers." Venomous responded back while putting on his lab coat. He tossed Fink the keys, a smile coming from her, and continued on, "Start the car."

In responce, she ran out with Venomous following behind. The car was soon started, Venomous hopping in the car, and soon taking off, and over to Boxmore.

It wasn't a long drive to Boxmore for him, though an awkward conversation brewed in the car.

"So... Everyone knows now." Fink brought up.
"Yeah, but not everything." Venomous continued on, then it was silence again.

Fink was playing with her fingers a bit, "Is it bad that I hate KO, I mean, since he's basically your child." She felt a tiny guilt starting.
"You sort-of were raised to be a villain, and sort of fight heroes..." He didn't know where he was going with that. Honestly, he didn't care. It's not like she was your d- no.

"What about his mommy? What are they gonna do about he-"
"Look Fink, now's not a good time to talk about this. I'll figure it out later." He finished in a firm voice. Fink was quiet after that. She was used to her boss having moodswings like that. Being calm, angry, happy, it was usual. Unless, he went dark...

They soon arrived at Boxmore, and parked their car in the parking lot. A Darrell was there to guide them in. He looked tense, which caught Venomous' eye.

Before they walked into the building, Venomous put his arm on Darrell's shoulder.
"You good? You looked like you just saw something... not good." Darrell shook his head in responce. "N-No, I'm fine." He said in a shaken voice. "I-I would just be careful." Darrell ended with a dark tone.

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