Chapter 11) That Sickening Feeling

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Holes were plastered into the ground, along with some tears. It didn't help that it was also a dark environment. That made it even more lifeless. The red scribbles around the place represented all the fears of KO that he slowly tries to forget.

Who would've thought a magical yellow elevator would appear out of nowhere and lead TKO to the lifeless pit of darkness?

The subconscious was a dark place. Nowhere near as dark as the upper mind. This was the place where people keep unwanted things. Fears, embarassing memories, bad times, et cetera. TKO knew it existed, but he never thought KO would use it.

Not since... Cob... The nightmare known as the cage existed.

TKO hated the cage, but the subconscious was a whole other story just forgotten. Mainly because it was left at the bottom of the mind, but it was sure as heck there. Before KO ever set eyes on TKO, he was at the bottom of the subconscious, left with the worst fears known to KO (also himself, but he would never admit it).

Remembering the tramatic events down here never pleased him. In fact, it made him make more craters in the ground.

Why? Well after KO threw him down into the subconscious, he's been screaming, crying, and punching as many holes in the ground as he could. All he could gain from it was a sickening feelings of the depths down below.

• • • • • • • • • • •

When a baby is born, well even before a baby is born, the brain comes into existence. With the brain comes the hippocampus; the part of the brain where stuff is easily memorable and recognizable. Then comes the subconscious; the part of the brain where hidden things are located. For a hero, it may be hidden powers.

That was the situation for TKO. Once KO's brain functioned, he was left in the subconscious. Why wouldn't he be in the hippocampus? KO never knew he was there in the beginning. He didn't remember him until about the age of three to six.

The subconscious was dark and eerie. Not made for kids like TKO. He sat there at the bottom of the subconscious, wondering where he was, who he is, and why he was down here.

He was young, so he barely had the ability to walk, so instead, he crawled. TKO tried assessing his surroundings, but there was nothing. Only darkness. So, like any baby would do, he cried.

• • • • • • • • • • •

After a few months of the sickening feeling of the subconscious, TKO just accepted that he was stuck there, but still wailed in sorrow. The cage was never better. A few dents were plastered throughout it. It included some bent bars, but not enough to slip out.

It was like this daily, until one day, a light shined in front of him. TKO looked at it and tried reaching out for it, but wasn't close enough. He was able to grab the small light, and once he did, he was sucked through something, but ended up somewhere else.

TKO realized it was just like the other place; dark, cold, scary, and so on. It was like that until he saw someone in the distance.

But that someone wasn't good news...

• • • • • • • • • • •

Now, sitting in the subconscious, TKO looked around for anything. Something that could keep him company. All that was down here was fears. The ones that kept him in place. They were recognizable to him, however.

Powerlessness, regret, blame, sorrow, secrets, all laid down in the bottom. They surrounded him, as he was pushed away just like the rest of them. Another fear that must be eliminated in order to gain the 'perfect' hero image KO so desperately desired.

No hero could attain such an image, even if they so desired to.

Even though they're hidden, the fears always come back to haunt. Shoving them away at the bottom of the mind doesn't let them be alone. TKO knew that KO would break sometime soon.

He just had to wait for the snapping moment...
Yeah so I may or may not have dragged myself into watching something new, get sucked into the fandom, and then make a really short chapter making up for it.

Yeah that happened.

Sorry it's really short and crummy. I originally planned for it to be longer, but I had no inspiration.

(honestly I probably won't for a few more chapters... some fun stuff is coming)

anyhoo, take this as i work on the next chapter. i swear it won't be as crummy as this.

g'night and i'll be around!

Truths Of Life (An Ok K.O.! Fanfic) ETERNAL HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now