Chapter 8) Big City Heights

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The road was straight. Going down the road in a straight line. No turns for a while. The yellow stripes seperated both sides of the road so one lane went up, the other went down, and vice versa. The road, covered with tiny rock and many cracks, didn't stop Rad and Enid from flying down the road in Rad's Van, or rather, driving over the speed limit.

The two went down the road, going over the speed limit by a lit, in a rush to get to POINT's new HQ. There weren't any other cars, nor any cameras in sight, so they figured since it was a race against time, speed!

Enid kept refreshing her text messages, hoping to get a new message from Elodie, but there was nothing. That led them to believe something happened, specifically from the idea about what happened before.

"What if something happened to her?" Enid said worried. Rad didn't pay attention, as he was focused on driving (for once.)

Sure, her and Elodie weren't the best of friends, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for her. This seemed serious too. She wouldn't text her randomly during the day. Maybe she's in trouble, maybe it's a trap, maybe she has KO. Who knows, she won't respond.

Enid kept sending messages to her, but she wouldn't read anything. She didn't text back either. The two arrived at POINT's hideout...? It was out it the open, so it wasn't much a hideout. More like a up-ground base. The two got out of the van, both bringing their bags, and started walking over to it, before realizing there was a field preventing them from coming in. The two teens were blasted back towards the van.

"Now how are we gonna get in there?!" Rad screamed, but not too loud.
"Simple," Rad's Van's door opened up revealing a small kappa. She hopped down to the ground and walked in front of the two.

"All you have to do is blast it down." Dendy said prowdly. She handed the two ray guns and let them blast freely. As they shot, nothing changed. No differece was shown in the force field. That left the three to worry.

"We need to get in there. Elodie could be in danger, and I don't want her to go through any more pain." Enid told the two. She suddenly remembered something she packed and pulled it out. It was her power tracer.

"Of course! With this, you can easily track her down!" Dendy said excitedly.
"Why didn't we use it earlier?" Rad said with some annoyance. Enid and Dendy both shrugged. Enid flipped it on and it started showing signs of power. Each color had a different meaning.

Pink - The color of the hero you're tracking.
Red - Villain's energy.
Blue - Hero's energy.
Purple - Turbonic Energy.
Green - Glorb energy.

"Going around the area was a ton of turbonic and glorb energy. I mean, it's POINT. There would be a lot of glorb energy. But what's with the turbonic energy?" Enid said curiously. "Maybe it's KO?" Dendy spoke.

"Well, if it is KO, it's going in the direction of Neo Riot City." Rad pointed out. The three looked in the direction of the cliff realizing KO was near.

"If KO's near, we can't miss our chance." Enid stated. "You two need to go find KO. He could be in trouble. I'll deal with Elodie." She said while tossing her bag into the van.

"But what if you get captured." Rad said frightened. Enid put her hand on his shoulder, "I'll be okay. The main priority of this is KO. You focus on that." She spoke calm and relaxed like it wasn't a big deal, and that led Rad to become calm. He nodded his head while getting back into the van. Dendy took Enid's front seat spot and the two drove off.

That left Enid with POINT to deal with.

Enid thought of trying to teleport in, so she did, and somehow succeded in doing so. Should've thought of that earlier, she thought to herself. She ended up in a hallway, but nobody was around. It was almost too easy.

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