Chapter 5) Secret Plans

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* Present *

KO sat on the bed, still confused, mad, and wanting revenge. After hearing everything Elodie said, he just wanted to be done with everything, yet then again wanted revenge. He usually didn't want revenge, but everything has gone this far that he was done. He wanted to get revenge on those who caused his any pain and end it all right then and the- wait, what?

"It's late KO. I suggest you get some sleep while you can. You can use my bed. I have to go help run some tests." Elodie said with a sad look. She really didn't want to run these tests, but she really didn't have a choice, but Elodie did make a fair point, it was late, he was tired, and should get some sleep. Elodie left the room, and that left KO. He decided to take the option to get some sleep, because he didn't know how much of that he would get.

KO got under the sheets, adjusted the pillow, then got comfortable. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, mainly because he needed sleep, so he feel asleep almost immediately. But that doesn't mean everyone's asleep, now does it?

• • • • • • • • • • •

In the mindscapes, TKO clearly wasn't happy. Now knowing the guy that he desperately wanted revenge against is working for POINT, he wanted to get him as soon as he had the chance. With KO being knocked out for the next hours, he took the chance to take control and find Shadowy.

It took a couple attempts, but soon he got KO into the mind and got him back into his bed. After KO was all done with and confortable, TKO took the chance to take control.

Receiving control from KO was rare, but it was easy to take it at night. Taking it during the day with KO in control at the time would cause TKO to probably get in trouble and that type of terrible stuff. With KO not getting any sleep in probably days, he should be out for a while.

The same thing happened with TKO; tired. They both are super tired, but TKO had this opportunity right now, and he's choosing to take it. He'll get sleep later.

He got out of Elodie's bed and left the room. Trying to stay hidden from anyone that's around POINT Prep, especially Foxtail and Chip Damage. If they spot him then he's done for.

TKO reached the bottom where the glorb tree was and snuck around using the packs of water located by the flower beds. Surprisingly, nobody spotted him.

The worst part about being here is there's nobody to trust except Elodie. So everyone here is targeting him if he gets seen by anyone. He really didn't enjoy that, but did he have any other options?

Spotting a hallway, TKO did a quick teleport to get over there. After getting into the hallway, he sprinted down as quick as he could. Somehow, the floors didn't make much noise. Then again he doesn't wear shoes so...

After running down the hallway, he reached a door. It had a sign in the top that was lit up saying "DO NOT ENTER! TEST IN PROGRESS"

It was clear that Elodie was most likely in there, as she did say she was running tests. There was a window by the side of the doorway, so TKO took the chance to peek through the window, careful to not get spotted by whoever was in there. After finding a good spot to view the tests from, he stood there, kinda staying hidden, but not really.

The tests were being run on students. Elodie stood in a room that was out of the range of the tests, along with Foxtail. The student they were testing on was Sparko. Wait, he's here? How does that make sen-

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