Chapter 7) Never Any Breaks

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everyone needed a break at this point.
too bad nobody could get one.

Venomous hung up his lab coat in the guest closet. After doing that, he closed the closet. Nothing special in there rather than his jacket, which he didn't really need now. He pat Fink, who was laying in a small bed, on the head as she slept and went over to the big guest bed and sat down.

He tried remembering what happened during the car ride, but couldn't really remember anything besides his and Fink's small coversating. Even that didn't give him any clues on how he was knocked out.

A knock came from the door. "Are you feeling a bit better?" Boxman asked him. He turned around and faced him. He nodded with a soft smile. It was true that he was feeling better, but there was some stuff he still didn't understand. He could ask later.

"Well, breakfast is in a few. Want to join us?" Boxman asked. Fink woke up a bit, but not fully. Venomous looked at her, then back at Boxman. "Maybe in a bit." He said with a weary smile. Boxman nodded and left the room, along with closing the door.

After he left, Venomous went over to Fink who was just starting to get on her feet. "W-Where are we?" She asked with a scratchy throat. Venomous bent down to her level.

"Well, we're at Boxmore. Apparently, someone knocked us unconscious on the way over here, so Boxman took us in. We'll stay here for a bit until we're more... awake." He said with a soft smile. Fink rubbed her eyes and gave a small nod.

She doesn't like Boxmore much, but she was tired as well. Something felt odd inside her. Venomous sat back down on the bed and patted a spot right next to him. She hopped up onto the bed.

"Do you feel odd, or is it just me?" He asked her. Fink nodded in responce. "It started when I woke up. I just have a strange urge to hurt." She said clenching her fists.

"I have the urge to track down... some old friends..." He said to her. "You don't mean..." she said with a weary voice. Venomous nodded. She had a worried face after that.

"I can't let them hurt Carol. She broke major rules, but I can't let her get hurt." He stood up and walked out of the room.

Let the consequences begin...

• • • • • • • • • • •

KO woke up, first realizing he was in a farmiliar place. The bed felt rough with a pillow that was hard as a rock. He looked around the place, realizing he was in TKO's room. He got out of bed after the realization and went into the kitchen where the KO-Vision was located. KO stared at at, realizing it was all static. If I'm knocked out... Why am I in here? He thought to himself.

Before he could think anymore, TKO popped into existance and fell on the table. It crashed down and broke with him laying on top of the broken pieces. As he gave heavy breaths, KO rushed over and checked on him.

"TKO! Are you okay?" KO worridly asked. He didn't respond for a minute until his breaths went down.

"B-bed." TKO said weakly. KO picked him up and brought him over to the bed, letting him lay down. After laying him down, he summoned in a glass of water and left it on the night stand. KO proceeded over to the living room and grabbed a bean bag. He dragged it over to where the bed was and sat down on the bean bag.

Truths Of Life (An Ok K.O.! Fanfic) ETERNAL HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now