Chapter 4) Preperations

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Both Rad and Enid arrived at Rad's house just a few moments ago. The two of them and Dendy had planned on tomorrow going out to find KO. Sure, it's super risky (according to Carol), but they weren't just going to leave him to run.

They had to prepare to go out though. Prepare how though?

As Rad closed the door behind Enid, he sighed. "So how are we suppost to find the little dude?"

"Well we saw which direction he went, that could give us a hint. Dendy can do some of her tech stuff, also power tracker." Enid pulled out a power tracker from her bag. It could lead you to find nearby power sources, and the user (if there's one).

"Those are still a thing? I thought they were banned?"
"I sorta had one when I was a child, haha."

Rad slapped his face in responce, but then continued to stay focused. They tossed in the main things, involving food, more food, even more food, okay a ton of food. They really didn't know how long they would be out for.

They put blankets, pillows, change of clothes, hygiene supplies, and a few brushes in as well. As the bags got packed, they tossed them into the back of Rad's Van.

By the time they got everything ready, it was about midnight. They got settled in a suitable sleeping arangemeng and were about to go to sleep, but then an awkward conversation started.

"So... You ready for tomorrow?" Enid questioned
"Me? I was born ready!" Rad shouted, but not too loud.
"Okay, haha, maybe I wasn't born ready, but I've been prepared for mon-"
"Fine I wasn't prepared for this to happen." He crossed his arms.

"...Me either, but we'll get KO, and hopefully there will be an explanation, and then everything goes back to normal?"
"Normal? Is that even a word anymore? It's never gonna go back to normal after this!"
Enid sighed, "You're right, but we could try to make it seem normal."
"I guess."

It was quiet after that. Soon after, both teens fell asleep. Tomorrow was the day.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Carol parked her car in the parking space right outside the house, then proceeded to go inside. She unlocked the door with the keys, and opened it. The place was dark, but soon light filled the room. She tossed the keys on a table, then went and sat down on the couch.

She didn't know what to do now. Her child was out wandering the world, his co-workers were going after him tomorrow, and Venomous is out tonight. That just left her and the empty house.

It was usually never this quiet, unless KO was aleep on the top bunk. It was unusual to her now. Carol just sat there in quietness. The tv remote was in front of her, but she didn't feel like watching tv, no.

Soon, she found herself gazing through memories that flowed through her head.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Since Action News didn't exist at the time, people resorted to news articles. Recent ones came out with headlines like, "Laserblast Gone?" "3 POINT Members Leaving?" "El-Bow banned?" and Carol never focused on them.

She wasn't oficially gone from POINT, but more or less undercover. As for the other members, yes El-Bow was gone, she never knew what happened to Rippy, and Laser...

Carol quickly took her mind off it and parked the car as quick as possible. She recently bought a house and decided to move in because one, she had a child now. Two, undercover, remember?

Before putting any of her personal items in the house, she grabbed the baby now known as KO, a high chair, and went inside. It was pretty empty, but it had some stuff, like a kitchen counter, and that's good.

She sat the highchair down by the counter, and then started panicking a bit. "Powers don't develope till age two or three, right? I have time to figure this out, and if I can't..." She looked over at the couch, then soon went over and sat down on it. Carol sighed.

'Being a mom is hard, but did I really have to agree to stay undercover?' She thought to herself. 'Why did I even get myself caught into any of this in the first place...'

Where did it all go wrong...

• • • • • • • • • • •

She soon started focusing on the present and realized something. Sure, the way past was where it went wrong, but she has a slim chance to make it right. Risky to be out in public, but it was for KO.

Carol went to her closet and grabbed out her old uniform. It was pretty risky to go out like this, especially if POINT sees, but the outfit she was wearing on the news would make her a prime target for cameras. This outfit would sorta lead her to be hidden when it's dark out, and it was suppost to rain all week which is a large coincidence.

Knowing that the public would be all over the place, she had to resort to keeping it private, except for one person, Venomous. Probably the only one she could trust.

Why not Rad, Enid, and Dendy? If they went with her it would have a higher chance for all of them to be captured together. She wasn't gonna risk it.

She texted Venomous right before she left, telling him she'll be out looking for KO for the next few days.

Carol then grabbed the necessary things needed and left the house. She was going to find her son, explain everything, and hopefully things will go back to normal.

Though it most likely wouldn't...
short chapter a a a a a

so big reveal came out, and i haven't posted another chapter since then... I'M STILL SHOOK OKAY.

yeah, it was most likely going to happen but it was still interesting and a little shocking to watch. that's all I mainly have to say about it. i'm not spoiling anything rather than the fact that ko's father is the pizza delivery guy. (that was a joke okay)

anyhoo, i don't have much inspiration to write this, so i wouldn't expect an upload anytime in the next week or two (actually i haven't uploaded this in a while... oop)

well i guess you can vote, comment, that nice stuff and i'll be around here?

Truths Of Life (An Ok K.O.! Fanfic) ETERNAL HIATUSΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα