Chapter 6) r u n

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The last thing TKO wanted to deal with was POINT troopers, and what happened? There were troopers, surrounding him, at this very moment, yep. They fired up their ray guns, or whatever they used, and were ready to fire. In responce, TKO held his hands up, "surrendering." Foxtail came through the circle of troopers and into the circle. She smiled.

"Looks like we found the source of our problems..." She walked slowly around him in a circle. "The one that caused us to fall, the one that led us to be here, and the one that has the most problems in their life, you."

"If I have the most problems in my life, why are you causing more?" TKO had a smug look after that, leading Foxtail to frown. She bent down to his level, still a few feet away from him.

"You see, you posess something big inside yourself. Something that us here at POINT could us-"
"If you mean those weird tests, yeahhh no." He said interrupting Foxtail. She growled a bit. TKO smiled.

"Look, the big boss-"
"Shadowy Figure...?"
"...Yes, isn't real happy with us, after we lost our HQ and most of our test. If you join us, we can offer you something useful. You want revenge, yes? Answers, yes? We can tell you where and how you can get all of this, for a price, of course..." She held out her hand. She seemed like she didn't want to cause a fight and she just wanted to come to somewhat decent terms with him. TKO brought down his hands. He couldn't join her. He wouldn't.

"It'll be fun!" Foxtail waved her hands. "And I can see you already know the big boss, so you'll be comfortable, right?" She gave a weary smile to him. He frowned and clenched his fists. Purple sparks came from them.

"You know what you're doing is wrong..." TKO said with a dark tone.
"It provides us with much needed power though." Foxtail responded, following along with the dark tone.
"That doesn't make it right." He stared straight at Foxtail.

"Some things need to be done in order to stop an ongoing menace. Even if it's not right." She turned around and walked through the troopers.

"Shoot him down." She finished. After the command was read, the POINT troopers were about to shoot, until TKO floated up above them, leading all their shots to go flying at eachother. Some of the troopers took the impact from the ray gun, while others continued to fire at TKO.

As for Foxtail, she went back down into the base and locked the entrance. Elodie went up to her with a concerned look.

"Miss Foxtail, we can't injure him even with the ray guns. This will make him less likely to want to work with us." Foxtail looked at Elodie with a dark look.

"That is a fact, but now he has no choice but to join us. It's what the big boss wants." She faced away from Elodie. A POINT trooper came up to Foxtail and gave her a tablet. She clearly wasn't happy.

"By the way... Would you care to explain how the target knew Shadowy Figure was working for us?!" She turned quickly back to Elodie showing her the tablet. What was on it was camera footage of Elodie's room showing her and KO together. The exact time when she told KO who POINT was working with. Elodie was left in shock.

"M-miss Foxtail. I-I can explain!" She studdered. "There's already an explanation to this." She grabbed her wrist. "You're coming with me." Foxtail dragged her to where the labs were. As she was being dragged, Elodie grabbed out her phone and started typing before it fell out of her grasp and got smashed by a POINT trooper. That left her to only hope for the best.

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