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CHAPTER FORTY-THREE; THE TODFTHRalso known as;( the flayed; part three )

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also known as;
( the flayed; part three )


"OH, MY GOD, CAN YOU NOT WALK SO CLOSE TO ME? YOU STINK," JOYCE GRUMBLED AS THE THIRD HOUR OF WALKING PASSED. Sweat beaded across Stella's forehead, but her spirit wasn't broken. She was marching ahead of the group with Alexei being dragged behind, her eyes bright and thirsty to reach their destination. She hardly paid attention to the arguing adults behind her; to be honest she was starting to get annoyed by them.

"I get it, I get it. You're upset, right?" Hopper scoffed, shaking a bug off of his arm. "Cause I blew up the car?"

"Yeah, with me in it," Joyce uttered sourly in response. 

"Well, I just want to remind you of something, Joyce," Hopper smacked the back off his neck. He seemed to be the only one with a problem regarding the buzzing insects, as no one else had really paid them much mind. They were annoying, sure, but they were tolerable. "I am not a mechanic."

"Yeah, clearly," Joyce then nodded forward towards Alexei, who was panting as he tried to catch up with Stella. She was trying her best to enjoy the hike, appreciating the nature around her, just not the attitudes of her companions. "That's why you should've listened to Alexei."

"Oh right, yeah. Your new boyfriend, right?" 

Stella furrowed her eyebrows in complete confusion as she kept walking. She didn't really have a choice in listening the never-ending arguing between the two, seeing as she had no idea where she was going, and no stretch of forest was far enough away to shut out the noise. 

"Yes, every man I talk to from now on has to be my boyfriend," Joyce retorted, rolling her eyes irritably. 

"Yeah, he reminds me a bit of a Russian Scott Clarke," Hopper stopped in his tracks, grabbing her by the arm. Stella glanced back over her shoulder and sighed, realising that she was probably the most mature person there, despite being the youngest. Alexei knocked into her shoulder, as he wasn't really paying attention, and she huffed, resting her forehead against his shoulder. Now that they'd come to a halt, her feet were beginning to ache. 

Before she could complain, however, her nose caught a whiff of something. Her brows knitted together and she whipped her head to the side. She inhaled a couple of times, smelling something faint, but recognisable. Her eyes flickered over to Alexei, and she lifted her hand to her nose, then she rubbed her stomach. There was a dip between his brows as he turned and sniffed as well, before humming softly. She nodded her head to the side, before breaking into a run. Alexei caught on quick enough, trying to move his legs to keep the same pace.

The two sprinted away from the childish supervisors, their names being yelled after a moment or so. Stella laughed as she felt a rush of adrenaline, and once Alexei matched her speed, he too giggled cheerfully. It was as if there was finally something fun to do. 

GLORY DAYS 。STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now