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no pov

after sasuke left naruto shouted " WHY DID I SAY SURE I DONT WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THAT BASTARD " he tuned around and kicked the chair as saku and itachi came down the stairs once again." mum it is ok for me to see him isn't it or not " naruto kneeled down to his sons Hight " look saku he is your farther now I may not like him but is your choice ok but what you got to remember is that he s married so dont expect us to get back together okay "

saku nodded before his tummy grumbled and he scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment. naruto and itachi laughed as they went into the kitchen to make saku some food. saku wanted tomato ramen as that is what he got, naruto also was hungry but he had an apple. while itachi had some grapes after that they all sat down in the fount room for a little bit and before they realized it was getting dark so naruto decided to go home. as he still needed to make dinner and run a Bath for saku .

his phone went off he turned it on to see he had a message from sasuke. 

' hey dobe can we talk tomorrow about saku. tomorrow during work as I want to talk to yo about meeting days and some other bits im also sorry that I forced that kiss onto you anyway see you tomorrow dobe ' 

' sure we can talk about saku tomorrow but ill tell you this one last time stop calling me dobe Uchiha ' 

naruto turned off his phone and put it on charge. 

*next morning* 

naruto woke up to his alarm he went down stairs to the kitchen to make some food for saku before itachi picked him up to take him to school. once saku was gone naruto got into his suit and made his way to the office knowing it was going to be a bad day. 

it takes naruto 20 minuets to get to his office he says hello to the front desk. he gets into the elevator and presses the floor the Uchiha office was on hearing the ding and the doors open he took a deep breath then stepped out making his way down the hall to the big doors. 

with a twist of the handle and a slight push the door opened reviling sasuke hands on the pinks waist as she was sitting on him tongues down each others throat the blonde couldn't help but feel heart broken once again as a flash back of when he walked in on them banging. 

the raven heard the door open he quickly pulled away from the bubble gum hair women to look into the dull blue eyes again his heart dropped. 

"  naruto " he raven said 

" sorry I need to use the bathroom " 

he didnt wait for the raven to reply he just walked out and closed the door, once it was closed he ran to the bathroom locked the door and started to cry. memories of when they were happy their first kiss there first time there first date then the memory of him on top of her again send him to the floor crying and sobs.  

a little while went by which to naruto was like 3 hole hours but was really 20 minuets he stopped crying wiped his ocean blue eyes and made sure it didnt look like he had been crying. he fixed his suit and walked out. he got to the office door and knocked waiting for a reply once he heard him say that he pushed the doors open to find the raven sitting at his desk with his glasses on and doing the paper work and no banshee in sight  . 

he lifted his head up to see naruto walk to the desk on the other side of the room as he sat down and opened his laptop and turned it on put in all his details then started o his work. they sat in awkward silence for a little while before sasuke broke it .

" sorry " 

the raven said as he looked at the blonde who was still doing his work. 

" it my fault I should of knocked or something and you dont have to explain anything to me its not like I care what you do with your wife " 

sasuke didnt say anything but he still felt all the guilt and heart ache. 

as the time went on nothing was spoken between the two it was silence except from the sound of the taping away from the keys or the pen scribbling on the paper work. it was coming up to lunch time and naruto was getting hungry. he stood up. 

" im going to go and have my lunch brake " 

sasuke looked up at naruto who was about to walk out the doors 

" wait lets have lunch together it will also give us a chance to talk about saku " 

naruto nodded. 

they walked out the office over to sasuke car naruto got in to the back. as he didnt want to sit in the front due to not wanting to remind him of when they used to go to lunch together. sasuke wanted to ask why he was sitting in the back but decided agents it he put the car into dive and  drove them to a posh restaurant.

naruto was starting to feel uncomfortable but didnt say anything instead he just followed. 

the waitress showed them to the table that was placed for what it looked like two loved ones. naruto shook of the thought and looked at the menu he decided to go with pasta and chesse while sasuke got stake.   

sasuke was the one who broke the silence again. 

" can we talk about saku now if it is okay " 

the blonde nodded. 

" what did you want to ask or talk about " 

" well I was wondering what weekends I can have him and if I can take him away on holidays and trips " 

naruto looked at him 

" I dont have a proplam when you see him it dont have to be weekends and I dont mind if you want to take him away but that is up to him " 

sasuke nodded 

" when is his birthday " 

" august the 13th " 

" what dose he love to eat " 

" tomatoes and ramen " 

" how many people did you date after me " 

" Uchiha that is none of your business and this is about saku " 

naruto and sasuke didnt say anything else since their food arrived they both said thank you as she walked away. 

" I know im sorry and would you stop calling me Uchiha it dosent seem right coming from you " 

" no I will keep calling you Uchiha so get used to it " 

they finished eating and naruto offered to pay the bill but sasuke said no then they had a little augment then they ended up paying half each.   the rest of the day went well in sasuke opinion that is but for naruto he new it was the start of more awkwardness and he new something was coming once again.


OKAY  so a cuple of days ago I was sitting in my English class and I checked how people have read my books and I nearly cried as I saw that this book has 1.62K READS AND IM LIKE WTF HOW DID THIS HAPPEN AND WHY I AM A BAD WRITER SO PLEASE SOMEONE TELLLLL MEEEEE HOW THIS HAS HAPPEND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



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