14 days.

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it has been 2 weeks since I said I wasn't going to put up with Sasuke shit anymore and it was true I haven't put up with it every time I enter the office and I see him make out with his wife yep so much for I quote "I don't love her I love you" unquote he makes out with her that ball shitter but anyway we already knew that.

I have kept my promise Sasuke has been seeing saku its kinda cute and when I say cute I mean saku, not Sasuke, saku looks and acts like him since he is smart he helps Sasuke with his work you should have seen his face when Sasuke was stuck on a sum and saku worked it out within seconds it was nice to see them getting along and seeing Sasuke a 33-year-old going to a 10-year-old so he can solve a question was funny I recorded it and sent it to ita and he replied with a laughing emoji.

I smiled at the two.


"yes baby"

"I'm sleepy and I sleep on the sofa"

"yes baby do you want my blazer"

he nodded. "yes please"

I saw saku went over to the sofa and laid down naruto walked over next to him and put my blazer over him as we didn't have a blanket Sasuke saw this as saku was trying to get comfy without a pillow I saw a little smile on the raven's lips as he got up took off his own blazer and folded it up and put it under saku head so he had something comfy to sleep on.

I couldn't stop a smile that crawled onto my lips the bastard was actually being nice.

a little passed in silence both me and Sasuke doing work only talking when he asks me to do something like to facts and files or make me a coffee.

I'm sitting at my desk when saku wakes up from his nap and walks over to me and asks for a hug I hug him and play with his hair Sasuke was out as he needed to go see the designer about a project.

Soon saku was back to his normal self but still sitting on his mama's lap as his dad walks in and looks at them.

"Mr Uzumaki"

I hummed and looked at him saku just looked at him two still a little sleepy.

"I was going to ask, I was wondering if you and saku can more like want to go out for dinner?"

No-one pov

Saku eyes lit up with happiness as he looked around at his mum with eyes wide and happy and eyes begging for him to say yea.

"Who will be there"

"Me you saku"

"Okay fine we can go for dinner"

Saku bounced happily on Naruto lap arms going around Naruto neck to hug him. While chanting thank you.

Not that the blonde was scared of going out for dinner but something was going to go wrong he could feel in the pit of his stomach. Sure something would happen when the raven and the blonde went out just those two but something felt even worse than that.

He just didn't know what!

Saku jumped off naruto's lap and ran over to the raven and hugged his leg, Sasuke chuckles and bend down ruffling his hair.

//Time skip// (BC I can)

it was around 7 when Sasuke turned up at the blondes house to pick them up for dinner, naruto was wearing black skinny jeans and orange top with a black leather jacket while saku was wearing black jeans and a Pikachu top they were both wearing black shoes.

they got into the car and Sasuke takes them to a restaurant they walk in and go to the VIP section they were having a nice time till a pink girl walks in face like thunder anger stomping over to our table.

"mummy who is that? she looks like a slut" saku asked to his mum

naruto tried to hold back a laugh as he couldn't help but let a smile crawl onto his face as sakura looked at him with pure disgust.

"sakura what are you doing here?"

"I saw you at his house are you cheating on me with him again" sakura put venom on the word his.

naruto growled.

"oi! he cheated on me with a you a slut sooooo so what if he is revenge mother fucker"

sasuke and saku sat shocked at what he said naruto was two he didn't think before he spoke he wat to crawl under the table and hide but the face sakura was making was priceless he wanted to continue to piss her off but decided agents it because of his son was siting next to him and they were in a restaurant with people eating and trying to enjoy their mill even if they were VIP people could still hear.

sasuke sat there wanting to know how this would go after naruto Little outburst but he could let it get out of hand but he also felt pain and regret he didn't know why he cheated on him with her but he wanted to forget about it in all honestly.

sakura was way beyond pissed she picked up someone drink that the waiter was taking to someone table he poured it all over naruto naruto looked down at his shirt now feeling small while Sasuke and saku sat still processing what the fuck just happened.

Sasuke pov

once it processed in sasuke mind he stood up and grabbed sakura by her wrist to drag her out of the restraint and lets go of her wrist.

"what the fuck are you doing here sakura"

"I wanted to see my husband but I didn't exspaced to see you with that slut"

"sakura only because you see him with my ex and my child doesn't mean I am cheating on you with them. anyway it doesn't matter if I was since you are cheating on me with either people god knows how many you have let sleped with you are nothing but a slutty gold digger so I want you to move out and we are getting a divorce"

sasuke walked back in not letting her talk.

This  bastard again sasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now