//not a chap but please read//

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hey guys if you are reading this then thank you. 

as you guys know it is June so its pride month and i know i'm doing this late i also did it last year so i will be doing this every year. so i'm going to start off by saying a little about me.

hello, i'm Ash this is the name i want to be called by i am pan sexual and non binary so this is why i wanted to do this,

if you are part of the LGBT+ then happy pride and if you are supporters happy pride and thank you for all your support it dose mean the lot to us as some of us are in homophobic households some of us have homophobic family.

so if you live in any of those then you can always privet message me on Instagram or on here or even if you just want to talk ill be here to help you okay because no matter what we are human and we deserve to be treated like everyone else because we are no different. 

i don't care what gender you are or what your sexuality is because to me everyone matters no one should be something their not. so please come and message me if you want to talk or ask for advise i may not be able to help but i sure will fucking try.

But that's not the only thing i waned to to talk about i also wanted to talk about BLM (black lives matter) i am a white British girl to clarify  

this also is really pissing me off lately because people are being murdered for being a DIFFERENT SKIN TONE its fucking not right no matter what you are looking at it. 

the police don't think if they did they would of put there lives in that persons shoes and to see how much pain and heart brake it affects there family because someone died doing nothing wrong. 

we would hate it if we got killed for our skin tone so why are the cops doing this it nasty and hurt full they say they are here to protect us when i just think police are murders i know some people aren't going to agree with this and okay i get that but i need to get this off my chest because my hole family well most of them are racist  so i cant talk to anyone of how i am feeling.

so we wont like it so why are they doing it to people with different colored skin it shatters my heart to know what our world is like i don't want people to grow up like this in a world were we can't be treated equally, i'm talking like i'm a adult but i'm not and i'm a teen but i can say if i ever have children i never want them to be brought up in a place like this.

i was watching a video on Instagram and it was on my friends story so i watched it and it was of a black man saying. "i want to be invited to your house" "i want to get to know your family" "i want to be friends" "i want to have drinks with you" those were some of the stuff he was saying he wasn't attacking anyone or saying with hate he was being calm and guess what he got ARRESTED like WHAT THE FUCK HE GOT ARRESTED FOR JACK SHIT i cried it horrible he wasnt doing anything wrong.

trust me i want to go to a protest because i cant due to this lock down and my mum will ask were i am going and will forbid me from going so i cant go as much as i want to but if it turned into a riot i would leave as i dont want to get Harlem 

thank you for reading and i promise next chap of this book will be up soon remember if you need anything please message me.

Instagram: mysterious_cosplays 

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