love & marriage

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Toni  POV  me n be are planning  to get  married  one  problem  tho I lost my  engagement  right  he give me birdman POV  I cant believe  toni  lost  that  damn ring  who puts  jewelry  in thier bag anyway  she better  be glad I love her ass we have  known  each other  for  20 years now  I always  had a crush  on her  we did a song back in the day  baby  toni  POV am so sorry  honey  I lost the right  but u know how my lupus  can get  my finger  was  slllown I dont want to hear that shi th tone    u know  how much it cost  wow   I thought  u get for me to show that u wanted   to be wit me  n that we loved  each other  look I dont wana  agure alright  am  get things  to do whatever my  phone buzzed hey  toni  oh hey tri tri  how things going on wit u n von   it's going great  till tamar had to ruin  it wit her childest  ways  I was so happy  about  being  posed  it  tamar went on &, on about  us running  her birthday  I swear  that girl acts  like a damn  spoiled  bart  thinks  people  suppose to kiss her behind to get along wit her n tracie  was over the top like  always  all on crema  talking  about david n von  should  have stayed  out  it we  tried  TD  Jake's   we tried iyanna  that didn't  even work  am not going to let those  two ruin  what happiest   I have I'll be dammed  alright  I get a bar to ran talk to u later

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