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Flashback  march  23, 2000 tamar POV  here I am  ready to replese my  first album  I want to be my own person   but from time to time  I di sing back up  for toni  I have  been  seeing  a man  named  Daniel   I love him  so much yeah we have our  problems  like any other  couple  he always  tell me that he wants to marry me  which am happy about   he my  first boyfriend   growing  up mama  was strict  as hell she didn't  believe  in shocking  up  I didn't  really  fit in school  I get picked on  because  of who my sister are  mostly   toni   last I heard  about  shelly  her record label  was under  investigation  for  money     I really  don't  want  have  relationship  with  our  father  after  cheating  on our  mother   I never  been  the kind of  person   who rides people  cotail   huh huh well  u have  grown up  oh hey whiney  long time  no see  yeah they last time I saw  u were what 12  no actually  about  13  at the time  I hated  what happened  to toni   she says   those sun of bitchs   deserve  what coming  to them  yeah I agree  but of course  she really  can't  tell her side of the story   oh I see trying  to shut her up  huh  girl that's  why  always  try to look at things   before   I decided  sign  them  these damn lebel  s are nothing  but snakes  if u ask me  congratulations  baby girl     thanks for coming  whitney  any time  see u later  better  get to my husband.

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