Chapter 15: like he's been crushing on you for half a year

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"So, how did you like modeling?" Jungwoo asked Lucas over coffee and sandwiches. This was probably the simplest meal Lucas had had with Jungwoo.

"It was so much fun!" he exclaimed immediately and Jungwoo laughed at his enthusiasm.
Lucas smiled to see that he managed to make Jungwoo laugh.
"It was a little confusing because I didn't know what to do. But, Jaehyun-hyung helped me out. He was really nice. And a little scary as well. Nobody talked when it was his turn."

"I guess Jaehyun has turned into something like a respected senior by now," Jungwoo laughed.
"Well, he is pretty famous. Everybody who has seen a fashion magazine knows him."

"So, think you wanna do more photoshoots?" Jungwoo asked.
"I'm not sure yet," Lucas laughed nervously. "I don't want to keep using your influence."

"But, you'd like to?"
"I'd like to continue doing it for now. It was fun."

Jungwoo thought a little, "How about we see how the response is this time and you decide then?"
Lucas nodded in agreement.
"Thank you, Jungwoo-hyung. For helping me out and for everything."

"It was nothing big," Jungwoo answered but not like he was brushing it off. He sounded more innocent and naive like he had simply returned a coin someone had dropped.

"You're an angel, Jungwoo-hyung," Lucas blurted out unconsciously. He covered his mouth with his hand embarrassed. "I mean, you're too nice."

"I'm a businessman. They're never nice," Jungwoo shook his head with an innocent smile. Lucas wasn't sure what to make of the contrasting words and smile.

"But, you're nice to me. I want to be nice to you too even though I can't afford high class restaurants and stuff."
"You don't have to. Just be here. I'm happy with you here. Going on dates and stuff."
Jungwoo smiled dreamily and Lucas couldn't help but blush.

"Do you want more than just dates?" Lucas blurted out.
Jungwoo frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Like, I mean... I mean we should see each other properly. Officially. Like, like... can I tell people you're my boyfriend?"

Jungwoo's mouth formed an 'o' in surprise. Then his eyes widened and he closed his mouth again before he almost chocked on his coffee and lunged into a coughing fit.

"Jungwoo-hyung, are you okay?" Lucas stood up and clapped on Jungwoo's back with too much force.
Jungwoo coughed even more and a waiter came to bring them water. Jungwoo drank it readily and almost choked again. He managed to calm down but his face was slightly red.

"I didn't mean to startle you. You don't have to answer right away or at all or...," Lucas laughed awkwardly with a hint of disappointment.

"That wasn't a no!" Jungwoo quickly denied. "I was just surprised!"
Lucas nodded slowly.
"I wasn't rejecting you. In fact, yes, I'd love to be your boyfriend. I mean it. Please take care of me."

Lucas smiled relieved and Jungwoo returned the smile.
"Do you come here often?" Mark asked when Jaehyun passed the reception desk without a second thought and went straight for the elevators.

Jaehyun nodded. "I'm friends with half the people who work here. Except for the girl at the reception. We still don't get along. I think she has the hots for Taeyong-hyung."

Mark wasn't sure how to respond but laughed anyway.
They stepped into the elevator and rode up to the 10th floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened, a familiar smell wafted up Mark's nose. He scrunched his nose like a dog looking for a hunch.

"Is somebody cooking?" Jaehyun also sensed the smell.
Mark couldn't quite determine where he recognized the smell from. They walked down the corridor and suddenly realization hit him at the door of the kitchen.

"Kun-hyung! I knew it was you! It smelled like your cooking!"
"Sure you did!" Kun laughed. "Hey, Jaehyun! Hey, Mark-ya. Are you looking for Taeyong-hyung? He's in the practice room upstairs with Ten. You arrived just at the right time. I just finished making lunch. You can help me carry the boxes upstairs. It's not quite enough for five people but it'll have to do."

Jaehyun and Mark nodded and made their way back to the elevator with Kun.
"Hyung, what were you doing here?" Mark asked.
"Obviously, he's spending time with Ten," Jaehyun laughed. Kun rolled his eyes but didn't deny it.

"Jaehyunie!" Taeyong didn't look like his alter ego, who rapped on stage fiercely, at all as he skipped over to Jaehyun like an 8-year-old and wrapped his arms around Jaehyun's neck.

Jaehyun kissed him on his forehead sweetly and led him to sit down where Kun was arranging the boxes of home-made food.

Meanwhile, Mark was staring at Taeyong wide-eyed with a starstruck but also shocked look. To be honest, he looked a little constipated.

"Mark-ya, come and sit down," Kun waved him over.
Taeyong then realized Mark was there as well. He giggled nervously. "Sorry, we haven't met properly yet, right? I'm Lee Taeyong."

Mark nodded mechanically. "Mark Lee."
Taeyong smiled. "Kun said you like to rap."
"Y-yeah," Mark provided helpfully.
"You should come around and rap for me sometime," Taeyong suggested.
"Me? For you?" Mark's eyes grew impossibly wide.

"Of course only if you want to," Taeyong laughed.
"I-I'd love to!" Mark stumbled over his words.
"Then, let's exchange numbers so we can set a date later."

Taeyong went to get his phone from where he was charging it and gave it to Mark to put his number in.
"Where did you leave Jungwoo? Didn't he go to the photoshoot too?" Taeyong asked as they sat down to enjoy the food. Meanwhile, Kun stopped Ten from dancing and sat him down to eat.

Ten responded by tugging Kun down to sit so near he might as well be sitting in his lap.
"He took Jungwoo out on a date," Jaehyun answered Taeyong's question.

Taeyong nodded and proceeded to feed Jaehyun. Mark observed them curiously but decided not to comment on their public display of affection.
Instead, he opted to grumble a low, "Great. I was brought here to be the fifth wheel."

"The other option was to be Lucas' and Jungwoo's third wheel," Kun shrugged but offered him an eggroll.
Mark decided not to comment and quietly continued eating.

"So, how far have you two gone?" Jaehyun interrupted the silence. Kun choked immediately while Ten tried his best to answer but instead only a hiccup came out.

"Pretty far it seems," Jaehyun deduced from their reaction.
"We haven't done anything yet!" Kun hastily answered and gave Mark an angry look for breaking out in a laughing fit.

"Don't tease them like that, Jae! He's just joking. It's nice to finally meet you, Kun."
Taeyong offered Kun a glass of water.
"Likewise," Kun answered when he had cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I was just teasing you guys. But, I also wouldn't mind hearing the answer to that question."
"We haven't done anything yet! We've barely gotten to know each other!" Kun exclaimed while Ten tried to drown his hiccups in water.

"Right, now that you say it, it hasn't even been a month since you've met," Mark added.

"Weird, from the stories Ten tells us it feels like he's been crushing on you for half a year already," Taeyong commented and disrupted  Ten's attempt of getting rid of his hiccups.

"Now you're teasing them, hyung!" Jaehyun complained and Taeyong laughed.

Sorry, it took me so long to update. I really just couldn't find to fine it in me to write amidst final exams, graduation and moving to another continent.
I won't promise anything because this is only a hobby to me after all but I will say it like this: I don't like to leave things unfinished. I want to properly end the things I've started. And I've started this story, so I'll definitely end it too.

Hopefully I'll find more time to write now that I've started to settle in Tokyo^^
As always, feel free to leave comments or write to me if there's anything you'd like to say.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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