Final Update

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It's finally time to finish this book formally, and I'm so happy I can finally stop worrying about this book. It stresses me out seeing the toxic comments I get in my notifications, and it will be good to move on.

For the time being there is no plan to remove this book, although there is no promise. I cringe greatly at this book and cringe even more as to why it has so many damn views.

For those of you who are wondering, I am leaving the book unfinished because of how shit the fandom and the show became. Some of the comments (not all but some) prove my point quite literally. I honestly despise VLD when I see it, and cringe when I see my old affiliation.

I still do like Shiro. He is the one pop that I am keeping and the one shirt that will remain mine. I also love the VAs, they were so sweet and I've met a few of them at cons. But the ending of the show was shit, which doesn't even make it worth going back into the fandom. Since I was a newer fan, I didn't have an emotional attachment luring me back.

But I am done. This is the final chapter of the story. However, I felt really bad for leaving you all on suspense for almost half a year, so I found a few people who are willing to finish the story in their own imagination for you guys to read. I can't promise anything since I won't be reading it myself, but I can assure you they are over fifteen and their writing style seems pretty well.

@Ch276Zj is writing their story which you can find here:

The other person is @lilnotorious2 , they haven't made a story yet but are planning to soon. Here's their profile:

((EDIT: The @s don't seem to be working no matter what I do, so just copy and paste the @ or the link and put it in your browser))

If you want to do your own ending (I really don't care what age you are) just link it in the comment section below.

And with that, this book is finally over. I'm going to be making a few other mpreg stories, but this is my last VLD story. You can stick around if you like my style, but I'm not going to advertise anything. The amount of views this book got was insane and tRUST ME. This will be a weird story to tell to friends when we are grey and old and in a rocking chair.

Thanks y'all.

~ Author Person

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