Chapter 11.)

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The next day

• Ivy's POV •

Today Caspian's friends had come over; josh, Finn, Nick and Ryan. When his friends left, mine were going to come over. We both called dibs on the living room because it was the only room in the house with a flat screen tv, besides Caspian's room. His tv was tiny and only a single console. That's what he said to me anyways. We were forced to do rock paper scissors over who would get to use it first, and he unfortunately won so, my bff's would have to wait.

To keep myself busy, I made some snacks for Caspian and his friends. I was bored, and liked to bake. I already had made them some handmade pizza, popcorn, biscuits, and now brownies, due to their request.

Today I was wearing a light blue shirt, and some tight leggings I got with Caspian when we were out shopping for 'comfy' clothes for me.

I was in the kitchen minding my own business when caspian strolled in, wearing dark grey sweats and fuzzy socks. His orange hair was a mess, and slightly greasy. He needed to take a shower.

"Hey, what are you baking now?" He asked placing his knuckles on the white, marble countertop. His shoulders towered over all the ingredients I had laid out.

"Well, I'm making you guys brownies and I just put those in the oven so they should be done soon."

"Yeah, for sure I can smell em' they smell really good."

"That's just one of the benefits of baking." I giggled.

"And.. what's this..?" He asked grabbing the recipe card I was using, off the counter. "Cupcakes?"

"Yeah I'm making cupcakes for my friends, not yours." I grinned, making him chuckle subtly. He stood up, holding his hands out in defense.

"I get it I get it." He then leaned back against the counter. "So what are you doing now?" He asked. My face was looking down at all my ingredients, as I focused on my baking. I then turned my head to the side to look at him, but his was already facing me. Our faces were dangerously close to each other, though luckily not touching. I immediately took a step back fixing my mistake. I rubbed my hands against each other, looking at the counter once again.

"Um well I'm just about to add the flour to the other dry ingredients I already have mixed together. You always mix the dry ingredients and wet ingredients separate." My eyes twinkled back at him, as I gave him a quirky smile. The palm of my hands were still squashed togethe. "But you wouldn't know that would you?" I smirked giggling, Tilting my head down.

"Oh I see how it is." He smiled, his eye brows raised. I smiled in spite of myself. Caspian was so cute when she got angry.

"Do you? Do you see how it is?" I lightly frowned. I was teasing him, but I liked it. I think he did too, and I was feeling extremely playful at the moment. I took a little flour in my hands cupping them. I smiled, my eyes wide. I blew into my hands flour bursting in a puff of air. His face squinted as his cheeks filled with air.
The cloud of flower cleared away into thin air, revealing his now ghost white face and sweat shirt. "I think white suits you." I smiled sarcastically. Caspian suppressed a laugh, sputtering like a old water faucet. His face twisted when his laugh erupted filling the kitchen air. He immediately grabbed a handful of flour out of the bowl quickly throwing it all over my shirt. I grabbed more and threw it all over his clothes.

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