Chapter 5: The set up

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Hey everyone star here. I know I'm a day late and missed and upload but I had IRL stuff going on and couldn't finish the update on time. please do a forgive on your poor author-san ;-;. anyway here's the next chapter.

(This story contains MDLB theme's considered NSFW.)


Izuku woke up wasted. He felt so exhausted and a sharp stinging pain in his bottom. As he turned to get out of bed he felt something blocking his legs from getting out. He also felt something between his legs. His eyes slowly opened to see a mobile hanging above his head with tiny images of All Might going round and round. When he sat up heard a crinkle and looked down to see that the feeling between his legs was a diaper. Then slowly the events of yesterday played out in his head.

"Oh yea... I don't have school." He looked around the room and realized he was in a nursery. The room was quite big and he looked around seeing everything. As Izuku took in his surroundings, he saw the details on the walls and area around him making him feel relaxed.

He crossed his legs and squirmed. He felt the need to take a morning pee but couldn't get out of the crib. He jostled the bars but couldn't get them out. Before he knew it, he heard a trickling sound and realized what was happening. 'No no no' Izuku lost his hold and began to wet himself. This made him start to cry in embarrassment. As he cried for a bit Midnight rushed into the room and picked him up. "Shhh baby what's wrong?" She asked bouncing him in her arms.

He looked up at her his face tear stained and barely mumbled out words. It didn't take long for Midnight to check and realize he had wet himself. "Izuku its okay this thing can happen." She said and she tried to get him to calm down. Eventually Izuku was dazed out and calm again. Midnight sighed and started to get him ready for the day. 

He looked so cute it was criminal. But she had to head to her hotel chain's conference room for a meeting on a perfume line. She got a day off from teaching at UA but she had to do something for Izuku.

As the morning went on with her getting ready and getting Izuku up she then realized what she could do. She called Mt.Lady and talked about a way to get Katsuki and Izuku to behave around each other. Thus she initiated a playdate. Much less playing than Izuku just being with Mt.Lady for the day she would need to prep a bag in case Izuku ever slipped. But they were supposed to be just relaxing the whole day and have a good time. 

She heard all of Izuku's stories about when they were kids but then everything changed after he found out he was going to be quirk-less. Maybe this time is just what they need. It also helps because she might be able to find out if he really IS quirk-less. She fought for justice... but sometimes she didn't know if what she did was right by obstructing it.

*one car ride later*

Izuku and Nemuri walked into a luxury apartment building and took the elevator to the top where she would drop him off. "Izuku you'll be staying with Mt.Lady, please behave around Katsuki and remember your manners" She told him and he nodded.

When they approached the top and stepped into the hall they went to the door and knocked "Coming just one minute!" was the shout from the other side. When it opened Yu(Mt.Lady) smiled as she held oven mitts in one hand and wiped her face in her apron. She was wearing a simple purple dress and had matching flats. "Nemuri! Here to drop off Izuku I see?" She asked and ushered them inside.

"Well you know, I have a big meeting today and I just wish I could but I can't take him with me

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"Well you know, I have a big meeting today and I just wish I could but I can't take him with me. Thank you so much for doing this for me Yu." Nemuri smiled and put a bag down on the coffee table. "Izuku I love you and I'll pick you up later okay, now be good." She kissed him on the cheek and turned back to Yu. "In case he ever goes little he'll have everything he needs in there."

She smiled and was given an affirming nod from Yu before embracing Izuku close.

"I love you mom." He said softly as he embraced her closely.

"I love you too Izu." As their embrace broke Nemuri headed to her meeting and thus began Izuku's day in the Takeyama residence.

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