Breakfast & Confessions

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From near to far you see it's star! Hello everyone I'm back with an update. I'm sorry that I haven't updates;-; i sowwy oki. But here's a new episode for you!

I don't own my hero.

Izuku blushed as he sat in front of Mt.Lady on her couch. She looked at the door across the hall and back to her watch, she wondered what was taking him so long. "Bakugo can you come out here please." She asked but nothing was heard. She heard a ding in the kitchen and sighed. "You stay here, I'll be right back."

She put back on her oven mitts and pulled out a batch of cookies that had a smell radiating through the penthouse. Quickly following she turned on a fan and had the vent take it out before it could reach their noses. Yu kept a constant eye on the door but it didn't even budge and now she was frustrated and knocked on it. 

"Bakugo." No answer. "Bakugo." With no reply she opened the door to see her little boy asleep and his games running. She walked over and stood above him almost fuming. "Wake. Up." 

"It's the middle of the night, I don't wanna go to school." He mumbled and turned over. This brought her to a new level of upset, promptly she was pissed but didn't have words. She gently shook him awake and he stirred until he came to and looked up at her. "Mom can I go back to bed." He asked but was glared at as she pointed to the TV currently with Fortnite on screen. He looked over and couldn't realize his mistake.

"I said you were grounded, the only reason your console is here is for music at night yet you were up all night playing video games. Now you have a lot to explain young man or I'm taking it away and you can have a nightlight and radio." She was doing her best to stay calm but this was the final straw.

He slowly came to, the realization of the previous day's events hit him like a train. He then just realized… he didn't have an excuse. He sat up at the edge of the bed and looked down. "I'm sorry mom." He said with sadness in his voice. One thing he really didn't like doing was upsetting her, and he couldn't even face her at this moment. A big argument resurfaced in his head, and he felt terrible. While the Bakugo everyone knew was a fighter. The little Bakugo Mt.Lady knew of was a good little boy who always wanted to do his best. Mt.Lady hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"Bakugo, I know you feel frustrated, but please just try to behave." She said and cuddled him. She then stepped out and let him get changed. It.was gonna be a long day since she had to watch over both of them. "Izuku, did you have breakfast yet?" She asked and he shook his head. "With words." She giggled and started to head into the kitchen.

The sound of sizzling eggs and bacon was music to Bakugo's ear. He came out of his room after freshening up for the day in a red shirt and black shorts. He walked into the living room to watch sole morning cartoons, but when he got there the TV was already on. Sitting on the couch was Izuku in a green t-shirt with black jeans and a green and white jacket to close out the color scheme.

“Deku what are you doing in my house!” Bakugo shouted and startled Izuku prompting him to turn on full cowling, while he had small pops come out of his hands. They looked ready to fight but before they could they heard a shout.

“YOU TWO SIT NOW!” Yu was pissed and glared at them as they sat on seperate sides of the couch. She plated some food and walked over to them. Pausing the blue’s clues on TV she crossed her arms as she stared down the two boys down on the couch. “I get it, you two don’t get along, you don’t like each other, and you don’t want to be friends. But tell me why can’t you two get along?” She asked and Bakugo jumped up 

“Because it’s not fair! Ever since we were kids he was always chasing behind me! So how! How is it that now I have to chase after someone who’s so far behind! Someone who we found out was a quirkless nobody! I wanted to be All Might’s favorite, we both looked up to him! But I’m being out done by him! He’s so buddy buddy and All Might’s favorite, It’s not fair!” Bakugo was in tears at this point and he felt his heart break a bit. Izuku felt himself shatter on the inside. He used to be friends with Bakugo but he never understood why he got so mean.

“Ka-chan I always looked up to you… I just always wanted to be your friend. You were always so good at everything Ka-chan, I just didn’t want to lose my only friend while growing up. I dreamed of being a pro-hero my whole life but I could never but I always thought that I could never be as good as you. It was not fair, but then when I got my quirk it meant everything, the whole world to me and that's when I realized that I had a chance at my dream for once in my life so I did what had to do and trained. I trained so hard over the summer so that I’d be able to be in U.A and that’s what I did to follow my dream. Because after All might, I looked up to you Ka-chan.” 

Izuku and Bakugo had just poured their hearts out in front of each other, not realizing that they had just heard each other’s confession. They just couldn’t live with what felt like their failure. Izuku didn’t want to be alone, yet Bakugo felt like he was living in the shadows of someone who was his friend, who he surpassed growing up, but now is falling behind.

Mt.Lady sighed in frustration, she was at a loss for what to say and just was too frustrated. “Listen, you two are both clearly frustrated and you don’t want to be in each other’s shadow, but instead of fighting each other how about working together?” They looked at each other teary-eyed and then back to her. She then sighed and sat between them. “I can also tell you both seem very exhausted, an exhausted boy is a hungry boy and a hungry boy is a little boy am I right?” She asked and received two blushes. “Well the food is still warm so go eat before it gets cold. I’ll get you two some sippy cups and apple juice ok.” She smiled and stood. Both boys nodded and smiled.

“Thank you mommy/Ms.Yu” They both said in unison and rushed to the table to eat the breakfast made for them. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon making a smiley face. “Itadakimasu!” They cried out and began to dig into the food. Yu had prepped a smaller plate for herself feeling only peckish. She poured their cups before sitting down.

“So we’ll be going to the mall. I have to do some shopping, after that we can go to the park and then come back. It’s 10 o’clock right now, Izuku your mother said she’d be back by four. Now does anyone need the bathroom or a pull-up? I want to know how old you two are feeling right now.” Izuku raised up three fingers while Bakugo raised four. “Alright don’t lose me while you’re out or that means a time out.” She said, taking a sip of her morning coffee.

“Yes mommy/Ms.Yu” they answered again and continued to eat their food. “Izuku just call me auntie, Ms.Yu makes me feel old.” 

The car ride

After breakfast and all last checks, they got ready to head to the local mall. Izuku and Bakugo sat in the back as her rule was with friends over no one gets shotgun. “Auntie Yu, how did you and Bakugo meet?” Izuku asked. This made Bakugo pale and Yu smile. She looked into his eyes from her rear view which made him pale when he saw them, his eyes begged her but she paid no mind to him. 

“Well It started out like this…”

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