Chapter 1:Final year at Kadic

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(A/N)This is the first fanfic I'll be writing and Yuko is gonna make a guest appearance in this one. Like I said a long time ago just because her series is over doesn't mean Yuko is going anywhere. Also I do not own Code Lyoko or its characters. That all belongs to Moon Scoop.

(Years after the defeat of XANA the Lyoko Warriors still hang out but 2 of them have been acting funny towards each other)


Its our final year at Kadic Academy it sucks that me and my friends will be going our separate ways I'm going to a different college my best buddy Ulrich is as well even Jeremy, Aelita, William, and Yumi. But I decided I would do something for my best friend. I decided that I would help him tell Yumi how he feels. I told Ulrich I wanted to talk to him really quick. I think I have a good idea how I can help him confess.

Odd:Hey Ulrich can I talk to you a sec?
Ulrich:Uhh sure.
Odd:Listen Ulrich. You've gotta tell Yumi.
Ulrich:Tell her what?
Odd:How you feel about her.
Ulrich:Odd I can't...
Odd:Why not good buddy?
Ulrich:What if she don't like me? Plus we both are just good friends.
Odd:That doesn't mean you can't tell her how you feel. I have an idea how to do that.

Ulrich was very nervous to tell Yumi but I told him my idea that could help him tell her.

Ulrich:Whats that?
Odd:Well I know someone who can help me set up a date with you and Yumi. I'll give her a call.

I got my phone out and immediately called my friend Yuko.

Odd:Hey Yuko can you help me with something?
Yuko:Whats up?
Odd:Well my best buddy Ulrich is wanting to tell a girl how he feels and I thought it'd be a good idea to set up a date for them.
Yuko:I have tickets to that band.
Odd:The Subsonics? Thats perfect.
Yuko:Ok whats the girl's name?
Yuko:Ok I'll bring the tickets to your principal and tell him to call Ulrich and Yumi to give them the tickets.
Odd:Thanks Yuko.

After I got off the phone with Yuko Ulrich was curious of what Yuko is gonna do.

Ulrich:Odd what did you do?
Odd:You'll find out after school.

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