Chapter 6:Ulrich and Yumi forever

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Yumi POV

I couldn't believe what I heard. Ulrich being attacked by William? But William said he was cool with me and Ulrich.

Yumi:There's no're lying.
Police Officer:I'm afraid he's right Yumi.

A police officer told me. I didn't wanna believe him. But I knew I had to.

Police Officer:William Dunbar was caught stabbing Ulrich Stern by your gym teacher. He has been found guilty by the court of law and is being charged with attempted murder. When asked Dunbar said "I wanted to kill him ever since he got with the girl I loved".

I was shocked. I knew then and there who William meant by the girl he loved. Tears filled my eyes as I broke down.

Jeremy:I'm sorry Yumi.!

I shouted as I punched the wall in anger. Aelita tried to calm me down but I wouldn't. A nurse then came out.

Yumi:Is he alright?!

She didn't answer.

Yumi:Please tell me Ulrich is ok!

I begged her to tell me as she began to speak.

Nurse:We don't know...He was stabbed so many times...But we are trying our best to save him.
Yumi:Please can I see him?
Nurse:Of course.

I immediately scurried into the room Ulrich was in. The next thing I saw...was my one true love still on life support barely alive.


Tears filled my eyes as I ran to him and grabbed his hand.

Yumi:Please you can't die...I love you...I need you.

Aelita POV

I was brought to tears when I saw Yumi run to Ulrich. Not to mention he was on life support. Jeremy pulled me into his arms as he cried seeing our friend on life support barely alive. Odd also began to cry seeing his best friend like that.

Odd:No! My best friend!


I cried so hard seeing my best friend on the life support holding on to life. I wanted to get William back for he did but he got what he deserved by being put behind bars.

Code Lyoko:Ulrich x YumiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt