Chapter 5:Fight

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Ulrich POV

When the school day was over I don't know why but it looked like William wanted to kill me. He's been giving me a death stare all day. If he does wanna fight me I'm thinking it's over Yumi. I know he likes her but me and her are together. Later me and Yumi decided to go have dinner together so we did. I took her to her favorite restaurant and we had a lot of fun. Graduation wasn't that far away now. I was thinking of buying a house and seeing if Yumi would like to live there with me. I took Yumi home and before she went into her yard we kissed.

Yumi:Love you Ulrich.
Ulrich:Love you too Yumi.

Yumi sounded worried about something. I didn't know what. She was fine at dinner and at school. I wonder what's up.

Ulrich:What's wrong? You sound worried.
Yumi:I saw William staring at you like he's been doing. If he tries anything please do not hesitate to defend yourself.
Ulrich:Don't worry I'll be ok.

When I got back to the school grounds I saw something in the trees. It then jumped me. It was William.

William:You'll pay for taking Yumi from me!
Ulrich:Dude I thought you said you were ok with us.
William:I wasn't! I was supposed to be the one to be with her! But you took her from me!
Ulrich:Seriously your gonna act like that!?
William:Shut up! What could you ever know!?

William punched me as hard as he could in the face. I kicked him off me and I punched him in the stomach.
He then pulled out a knife.

Ulrich:Why are you doing this?
William:If I have to kill you to have Yumi then so be it.

William POV

I charged towards Ulrich with the pocket knife I got. The first time Ulrich blocked it but it cut his hands. I kicked Ulrich down and I slashed his arm. Ulrich grabbed his arm in pain so I took that chance to stab him in the stomach.

Ulrich:Dang it William...your really gonna do this over a girl?
William:It's not for just any girl...its for Yumi!


I was walking to the gate of the school grounds to make sure Stern gets back safely from his date with Yumi but what I saw was not what I expected. William Dunbar was attacking Stern. I saw a blade go into Ulrich. I ran over to them.

William:Time to die.

I heard him say before I charged him off of Stern. I knocked the knife out of his hand and he was ready to fight back so he could finish Ulrich.

Jim:Ulrich try and reach into my pocket and get my phone call 911!

Ulrich POV

I reached into Jim's pocket to call the cops. Delmas came and saw what was going down he saw William had a knife and was ready to stab Jim.

Delmas:Ulrich your too weak I'll call 911.

Delmas called the cops and they came in less then 10 minutes they arrested William then I was put in an ambulance.


Me and the others were there to see Ulrich be taken by an ambulance. I was scared of how Yumi was gonna react to hearing that her boyfriend was almost killed and taken to the hospital. I called Yumi and explained everything.

Yumi:Ulrich is in the hospital? I gotta go.

Yumi hung up and I could tell she was crying.

Yumi POV

After I got off the phone with Odd I rushed to my parent's room. I woke them up and told them what happened to Ulrich. My mom and Dad immediately told me to get in the car and we rushed to the ER to see Ulrich. Once we got there I was the first to get out of the car and rush into the ER. They told me what room Ulrich was in and I immediately rushed there. Once I got in I already saw Ulrich on life support and I broke down in tears as I saw the love of my life. He was still alive but he was on the verge of death.

Yumi:Ulrich! Please stay with me!

As I said that a nurse came in.

Yumi:Please tell me! Will Ulrich be ok?!  Please tell me!
Nurse:I don't know. He suffered severe injuries from a knife. Your welcome to stay here if you want.

I immediately agreed to stay here with him cuz I wanted to make sure Ulrich would be ok but a doctor came in and told me I had to step out while they run some tests and I agreed. Odd and the others were there and told me the rest.

Odd:You might not believe us on this but...he was attacked by William.

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