Chapter 7:Ulrich returns

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Yumi POV

I heard Ulrich's heart monitor flatline and I immediately broke down crying.

Yumi:Ulrich no! Please wake up!

The nurse then came in and told me I had to step out while they try and save him.

Yumi:Please tell me he's gonna be alright!
Nurse:We'll do everything we can to save him. Don't worry.

I ran out of the hospital in tears. Odd and the others tried to stop me but I didn't listen I kept running. Once I got home I opened the door and my mom stopped me from going in my room. She asked me what was wrong but I ignored her. I jerked my arm out of her hand and ran into my room locking the door. I started listening to the Subsonics to try and get my mind off Ulrich but it didn't work. I was taken back to when me and Ulrich went to the concert and we confessed our feelings to each other but not only that. That was also the time he asked me to be his girlfriend. I started breaking down crying again. My parents knocked on my door and told me to open it. I did as they said and they came in and sat on my bed with me. I began to explain everything.

Yumi:Ulrich was attacked by William on the way back to school last night. William stabbed him multiple times and they're saying he might not survive.

My parents were shocked at what they heard. My mom pulled me in and my dad hugged me too.

Yumi's Mom:Oh Yumi.
Yumi's Dad:It's gonna be ok.


After Yumi stormed out of the hospital I began to worry about Ulrich. He's my best friend and I don't want him to die. The doctor came out and told us he was ok but he needs to stay in the hospital for another week.

Jeremy:Does that mean he's awake now?
Doctor:Yes he is. But we have to keep the life support on him until his wounds heal for now.
Aelita:Can we see him?
Doctor:Of course.

Me and the others were excited to hear that.

Odd:I'll go get Yumi!

I rushed to Yumi's house so I could tell her Ulrich was gonna be ok.

Jeremy POV

Me and Aelita went in to see Ulrich. He was awake but he was still healing.

Ulrich:Hey guys.
Jeremy:Your ok!

Aelita hugged Ulrich I did as well. I thought we were gonna lose our friend.

Ulrich:Where are Odd and Yumi?
Jeremy:Yumi stormed out of the hospital crying and Odd just went to go get her.


I arrived at Yumi's and I knocked on the door.

Odd:Yumi! Are you in there. It's me Odd!

There was no answer but I knew she was in there. I knocked again.

Odd:Yumi I have some great news.

Yumi POV

I kept hearing Odd knocking and yelling but I didn't wanna answer the door.

Odd:Ulrich is gonna be ok!

My eyes widened at what I heard.

Odd:The doctor came out and said Ulrich is gonna be ok. He just has to stay for another week until his wounds heal and they can take him off the life support.
Yumi's Mom:Go on honey.
Yumi's Dad:Go see Ulrich.

I ran downstairs and opened the door.

Yumi:Is he awake now?!
Odd:Yup. And the doctor said we can go in and see him.

I was so excited when I heard that. I was about to run as fast as I could to the hospital but Odd stopped me.

Odd:No need to run. I brought our rides.

Odd said as he grabbed mine and his skateboards from the fence. I got on mine and Odd got on his and we rushed to the hospital. Once we got there I ran as fast as I could towards Ulrich's room. Once I got there I knocked on the door. Jeremy opened the door.

Jeremy:Come in Yumi. Ulrich has been waiting for you.

I went inside the room and I thought I was dreaming when I saw the love of my life awake and alive.

Ulrich:Hey Yumi. Did ya miss me?

Tears filled my eyes as I saw my one true love alive.


I rushed towards his bed and I hugged him. I then kissed him. I was so happy he was alive.

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