Chapter 4:Telling the others

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Ulrich had just got back to our dorm room and he was smiling.

Odd:Hey good buddy. How did it go?
Ulrich:It went great.
Odd:I'm actually talking to someone now.

After I said that Ulrich was excited to tell me what happened.

Ulrich:Did you tell her yet?
Ulrich:I did. We kissed too.

After he said that I was excited. My best friend finally got together with the girl he loved for so long.

Odd:Does this mean you guys are a thing now?
Ulrich:Yep. Thanks Odd I needed your help. I'm so glad I was able to tell Yumi how I feel and I'm so happy we got together.
Odd:Hey what are friends for?

The next morning we got breakfast and Yumi immediately sat beside Ulrich and said...

Yumi:Good morning darling.
Ulrich:Morning babe.

They pecked each other then ate breakfast. After we all threw everything away Yumi and Ulrich walked to class holding hands.

Jeremy POV

After we all got to class Ulrich and Yumi told us all to meet them at break.

Ulrich:Eveyone me and Yumi have a very special thing to tell you all. Me and Yumi are now together.
Yumi:And we couldn't be happier.

We all were happy for Ulrich and Yumi surprisingly even William. I looked at William thinking he would be depressed cuz he wasn't the one with Yumi. But he was smiling. I decided to see if William was ok.

Jeremy:William are you ok?
William:I'm fine.
Jeremy:Your not upset that Ulrich is with Yumi and not you?
William:No. To be honest I did wanna be with Yumi long she's happy I'm happy.
Aelita:Jeremy you don't have to worry. Yumi told me she wanted to tell Ulrich how she felt. William overheard and said the same thing to her. As long as she's happy he's happy.

I smiled after what Aelita said. I'm just happy they finally got together after all this time of liking each other.

William POV

I have admit I am a little hurt. I really did wanna be with Yumi. So I decided I'm gonna kill Ulrich so I can have Yumi.

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