Chapter 8:Ulrich gets released-The proposal

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Ulrich POV

It was the day I was supposed to be released from the hospital. My wounds were healed and they took me off life support. I was excited but I was mainly excited to see Yumi. I was planning on proposing to her. I had my mom help me save money and buy the ring. Not only that I also contacted the Subsonics and asked if they could have a concert for me to propose. They agreed and they have everything set up. They contacted me a few hours ago and told me everything was ready and they would have everything when I'm out of the hospital. The doctor came in and told me I could go home now. I left the hospital and headed to where the concert is. I contacted Yumi and told her to meet me in the park at the concert tonight. She agreed. That night Yumi showed up and kissed me. The others were there too. Jeremy was there with Aelita. They saw us and came towards us.

Jeremy:Well look who's finally out of the hospital.
Aelita:Well since everyone else knows except you cuz you were in the hospital. Check it out.

Aelita showed me an engagement ring. Meaning Jeremy proposed.

Ulrich:Wow congrats Einstein.

I whispered my plan in Jeremy's ear and he smiled at the fact that I was gonna propose to Yumi. Odd was also there and he came up to us too. I also told him my plan. The concert finally began. About 30 minutes later they announced the special song.

Subsonics guitarist:Alright so this next song is a special one for 2 very special people if they would please come on stage. Yumi Ishiyama and Ulrich Stern.

We went on stage. Yumi looked confused but I didn't tell her cuz I wanted it to be a surprise. The Subsonics started playing a love song for the proposal.(Start song now)

Later into the song they gave me the cue and I did so.

Ulrich:Yumi. We've been together for quite a while now and I want you to know. I will always be here when you need me most. And I think this is a perfect time to do this.

I got down on one knee and asked the question.

Ulrich:Yumi. Will you marry me?

Tears filled Yumi's eyes she was so happy to see me on one knee proposing to her. She shook her head and said...


The crowd cheered for us as I put the engagement ring on her finger and we shared a kiss and a hug.

Subsonics lead singer:Give it up for Ulrich and Yumi everyone!
Odd:Alright Ulrich!
Aelita:Congratulations you two!
Jeremy:Congrats guys.
Yumi:I love you Ulrich.
Ulrich:I love you too.

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