Chapter 3:Confession

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I was in Ms.Hertz's class with Jeremy and the others and I asked Jeremy if he thought Yumi and Ulrich were acting suspicious.

Jeremy:Well Ulrich did ask Yumi to go see the Subsonics with him.
Ulrich:How do you know that?
Jeremy:You told me.

Ulrich blushed after that. I have to admit I've always been hoping Ulrich and Yumi would get together. Maybe this could be it.

Ulrich POV

It was time for lunch and I told Odd I needed to talk to him in private.

Ulrich:Odd I'm gonna tell Yumi how I feel at the concert.
Odd:Do it good buddy. I know you can.

Odd had a lot of faith in me when I told him I was finally gonna tell Yumi I hope she excepts my feelings I'm so nervous.

Yumi POV

Yumi:Aelita I'm gonna tell Ulrich how I feel about him.
Aelita:Do it Yumi.

Aelita was excited when she heard I was gonna confess my feelings to Ulrich. But I felt bad cuz I knew William liked me but he overheard what I said I was gonna do so I apologized to him and he said to me...

William:Yumi. It's ok as long as your happy I'm happy. Sure I'm kind of heartbroken but I'll get over it. I'll continue to live life to the fullest.

I made him promise me that he will be happy. He agreed and told me he promises.

Ulrich POV

That night I went to pick up Yumi I was wearing a black tuxedo with a blue tie and a white shirt underneath. I arrived at Yumi's house and knocked on her door. When she opened the door I saw she was wearing a black dress. She was so beautiful. I decided that I would tell her how I feel before the concert starts.
About 30 minutes later we made it to the concert and we gave the ticket guy our tickets then he led us to our seats. The concert wasn't gonna start for another 10 minutes so I decided this would be the perfect time to tell Yumi how I feel. Maybe she likes me back.

Yumi:Yes Ulrich.
Ulrich:There's something I wanna tell you.
Yumi:What a coincidence I wanna tell you something too.

My mind was racing with multiple thoughts. Maybe Yumi feels the same way. I mean I've liked her all these years and we have gotten jealous over each other a couple times back when we were younger but now we're about to graduate Kadic after this year. Ok I know this is the perfect time to tell Yumi.

Yumi POV

I blushed when Ulrich told me he had something to tell me. I was thinking he probably liked me back. I decided to let him say his part first and he began to speak.

Ulrich:Yumi...I...I uhhhh.

Ulrich was blushing the whole time. I was too but my mind was racing with thoughts and my heart was racing as fast as a nascar race. Ulrich continued.

Ulrich:Yumi...I...I LOVE YOU!!!

I was shocked...I didn't know what to think at first but I was happy that the person I've always loved more then anything felt the same way.

Ulrich POV

After I told Yumi how I felt she was silent. She was blushing to where her face was red as a tomato but she stayed silent. I thought I said something wrong so I was about to leave.

Ulrich:I'm sorry. I guess I'll just go.

As I was about to get up. Yumi had stopped me. She grabbed me by the arm and told me...

Yumi:Wait! You didn't say anything wrong if that's what you're thinking.

I was happy I didn't say anything wrong. I sat back down and listened to what Yumi had to say.

Yumi:Ulrich...I love you too. I've loved you all along it's just that...I thought you moved on from me after I told you I wanted us to stay friends...but that was a long time ago. Now I wanna be more then friends. I wanna be with you Ulrich.

I was so happy to hear that Yumi felt the same way. The concert had started but while we were there Yumi put her head on my shoulder and she smiled at me. I put my arm around her and kissed her in the forehead. The concert ended after like 2 hours so I decided to walk Yumi home cuz I called both our parents but Yumi's parents were asleep and my mom was too so I left a message to both of them saying I was gonna walk Yumi home. As we were walking Yumi stopped. I asked what was wrong.

Yumi:Well I'd like to hold hands on the way home if that's ok.

I agreed and I grabbed Yumi's hand. Once we arrived at Yumi's house I really didn't wanna say bye to her yet.

Ulrich:Well this is your stop. Maybe we could hang out like this again sometime.
Yumi:I'd like that.

After that I decided I was finally gonna ask her to be my girlfriend.

Ulrich:Yumi...will you be my girlfriend?
Yumi:Yes. Of course I will. I'll see you tomorrow but before I go...

Before Yumi left she pulled me in and kissed me. I was shocked for a second but I kissed back. I always wanted Yumi to be my first kiss and she was. Yumi's Mom came out and saw us and she snuck up on us.

Yumi's Mom:Hey you two.

We broke the kiss after she snuck up on us and scared the crap out of us.

Yumi's Mom:Haha sorry sweetie. To be honest I always hoped you two would get together.

Yumi's mom told Yumi to go in the house cuz she needed to talk to me alone. She agreed and Yumi's mom wasn't mad or anything she just wanted to ask me this...

Yumi's Mom:Ulrich if your gonna be with my daughter I just want you to promise me you'll take care of her and you'll be there when she needs it most. Please.
Ulrich:Don't worry I promise. I love Yumi and I wanna be with her always.

After that she went back in the house.

Yumi POV

I finally told Ulrich how I feel and now we're together and we kissed just before I walked in the door. It makes me so happy to finally be with him.

Yumi:It finally happened. I'm with the love of my life.

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