Chapter 1

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Caeleys POV

I click the screen of my white iPhone and the camera finally emerges, I swipe on the shiny screen to allow it to enable the video setting.

"Okay girls." I begin, grinning like an idiot and facing it to my six-piece girl gang I have at school. Elouise, Eleanor, Amelia, Lily-mae, Isobelle and Sophia. "Ready?"

The nods furiously with eagerness crossing their once delicate expressions. "Okay." I announce and I press the video button before skipping round to the centre of the classroom where the mini mob is.

"When you're too fab to sit on the chairs, like the other peasants." Elouise says, keeping her giggles away. After she says the short sentence, I run back over and pause the recording.

"Places!" I remind the forgetful ones in a sing-song voice, soon all of the girl are in their respected places; the window sill, table or on top of a cupboard. I begin a time this time, a 5 second one, so I can position myself in my spot.

I quickly, thought smoothly place myself in the half-moon yoga position on a wobbly table. The red light signifies it is recording. "PEASANTS!" We all scream at the stop of our lungs before collapsing from our position in laughter.

I leap from table to table until I get to the desired one with the phone recording. "Should I keep our laughs in at the end?" I ask to the others after the calm down. "Yeah, might as well." Lily-mae says before leaping from the cupboard.

Soon, we're all together in a circle looking at our ridiculous 6-second video, our new vine. After I send it to the others I begin to upload it to the app with the caption: 'When me and the girls are bored perfecting, we just kinda...', and I send.

Seconds after my phone starts to light up with revines and comments on it. I sigh in contents of our 'fans'. I wouldn't really call them fans, just friends who I haven't encountered yet in my life. Nothing more and nothing less.

The classic school bell rings its classic sound and we frown. "Well, I'll see you after form." We all say at the same time, earning short bursts of laughter from the odd one. We have a short group hug before we go our separate ways to our forms.

Eleanor and I walk to our form together, backpack on one shoulder and a bottle of water in the other. The same old, same old. Me and El are in the same form so when we arrive late, our form tutor, Mr Mann knows where we've been without no doubt.

"Vining again, girls?" His nasal voice rings through the small room as soon as we encounter the form for the second time today. We give him a sweet smile before sitting down at the back.

We place our bags on the table and begin to text. "May I have Caeley and Eleanor, please sir?" A voice rings from the old, squeaky door. We look up to see the owner of the infamous voice. Mr Cogger, our head of year.

All eyes dart towards us and we place our phone in our pocket before standing up and asking the same inquires.

"Do we need our bags and stuff?"


"Will we be in for next lesson?"

"No, but only for about five minutes."

"That's good enough for me." I end the conversation with me well-known 'not so innocent' smile before Eleanor and I retrieve our bags and waltz out of the claustrophobic classroom.

We get instructed to head to the foyae of the school and we do just the thing, before bumping into five other familiar faces.

"Foyae?" We say in unison, and unease ringing. Our eyes dart to one and anothers before we proceed to walk the now short distance to our destination in pairs.

Sophia and Lily-mae enter the door which have our names scribbled onto the used whiteboard, then Amelia and Isobelle, then lastly; Eleanor, Amelia and I.

We are presented by the surprise of our so far short-lived lives. The host of Magcon. He looks up from the fairly sized amount of paper work in his arms before smiling perfectly.

"Girls, please, take a seat." His long and lean arm extends to the small seats and we sit in each of them without a word.

Fear and quizical. That's the emotions which are coursing through my veins at this moment of time, adrenaline pumping gallons through me blood.

What does he want? From us, a mediocre school or sixth form kids.

"To begin with, may I just say congratulations on how popular your vine and youtube accounts now are. I bet you must be ecstatic." The tall, toned man begins with.

I smile shyly and answer with a short "Thank you."

He nods and resumes with his short speech once again. "You are so popular now, each one of you have caught our attention and Magcon and we have a life-changing deal for you."

I lean slightly towards him in anxiety, with a nod for him to carry on. Now I'm excited.

He gives up each a stack of round about 10 pages, front and back of writing and places for initial singing as well as normal signatures.

"Would you like to become our Magcon Girls?"

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