Costume Scare

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"We don't celebrate Halloween in Japan." Ichigo looked down at Rukia as she held up a box containing hair dye in one hand and a box of colored contacts in the other. His stomach flipped as he looked at the hair dye and his Adam's apple bobbed down. "I swore I would never change my appearance as I am happy with who I am. She should know this." He swallowed again and reached up and scratched his head in frustration. "You want me to do what?"

Rukia pulled the boxes close to her eyes as they widened and her lip twisted up into a pout. "It's a costume Ichigo."

"Yes... but you want me to dye my hair. You of all people should know that I have issues with changing my appearance."

"It's just contacts." Rukia pointed to the dye with another finger while still holding the box of contacts. "I also picked out hair dye that washes out." The female Shinigami continued to pout at him. "Please? Please Ichigo?"

Ichigo sighed and crossed his arms across his chest. "Fine. I give in. You won't let this go until I do agree."

He felt Rukia tug him into the kitchen area of the thirteenth division. He watched as she prepped the sink. She pulled over a chair and he relaxed with the hopes she really knew what she was doing. She ruffled his once orange hair dry and handed him the contacts. Ichigo carefully put them in. Rukia handed him a mirror. His brown eyes were now an aqua color. The teens mouth twisted up into a frown. "These eyes aren't normal."

"You need to remove the adornments on your uniform." Rukia piped up. Her voice twisted with excitement as she tugged her fukutaicho badge off. "You'll also need this."

The teen sighed as he removed the adornments that were attached to his Shinigami Uniform. "Exactly who am I supposed to be? I mean... this is supposed to be a Halloween costume... right?"

"That's a secret."

"What do you mean secret?"


A crashing sound caused Ichigo to turn his head to the entrance of the kitchen. The third seat of the thirteenth division stood there having dropped the tray of dishes she was bringing back from the captain's room. Kiyone's face was pale and her eyes wide with fright. "Kaien-dono!"

The brown haired female tore away while Ichigo looked at the dark haired female who was blinking a couple of times. "Oi! Did you expect this to happen?"

Rukia turned to look at him, her eyes still blinking. "Yes. That went better then I thought it would."

Ichigo pointed at the door way. "Well? Kiyone-san acted like she saw a ghost. What am I supposed to be?"

"Actually... it's more like who." Rukia looked away as her voice got softer.

"Dear god! Kaien-dono's ghost does walk among us!" The second third seat stood in the doorway, his face also pale and his eyes also wide. Sentaro's finger pointed at Ichigo, the third seat's entire body trembling. "You're supposed to be dead."

Sentaro then spun on his heals and hurried off. Ichigo tilted his head to look at Rukia, his stomach ache coming back. "Rukia... this isn't funny. Exactly what is going on? Who is this dead guy you dressed me up as?"


"Oh my." Ukitake's voice drew Ichigo and Rukia's eyes to the doorway. The taicho of the thirteenth division's face was pale like the others. He at first didn't say anything. A hand went up to his lips as if he were in thoughts. "How did Rukia put you up to this Ichigo?"

"She said it was just a costume." Ichigo took a deep breath. His mouth snapped shut upon realizing something. "Wait... you didn't confuse me for this Kaien person."

"To be honest... I had to do a double take." Ukitake walked over. "You do look a lot like him." The man placed a hand on his chin. "I was going to ask you and Rukia to help with the party being held for the Quincy and Shinigami children."

Ichigo chocked. "Are you sure that is a good idea? The Quincy and Shinigami don't exactly get along."

"The children get along all right. With everything that has happened to them... being turned into zombies and brought back some of them... they need something to lighten the mood." Ukitake's eyes darted up and down. "About that costume..."

"I can change if it is a problem."

"No..." Ukitake placed a chin on his eye. "I wonder..."

"You wonder what?" Ichigo's hand reached up to nervously scratch the top of his head. He wasn't sure if he liked the way this was going.

"This would scare a few if the children." Ukitake had a distant look in his eyes.

"That's why I planned Ichigo's costume the way I did." A smile appeared on Rukia's face. Ukitake blinked at her while Ichigo let out a deep breath of frustration. Something told him the man wasn't any more excited about Ichigo's costume then he was.

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