Puppy Doggie

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"Puppy doggie!"

Toshiro turned his head towards the door in time to feel the purple haired Quincy suddenly glomp him. The girl that wasn't dressed in a costume was now dressed in a blue outfit. The girl in the yellow costume placed her hands on her hips. "That's weird you know. She hates Shinigami the most out of all of us, and yet she's taken a liking to you."

The girl with the magenta hair stared at him. "Do you think her doggie fetish is effecting her judgment?"

"She started reacting to him in a positive manner before that." Liltotto looked at him carefully before removing the food from her mouth. "Wait... that's the Shinigami kid Gigi turned into a zombie."

The girl dressed in the yellow costume let out a sigh. "I guess that would do it."

Toshiro felt his cheeks flush up as he continued to work on the dragon design. The purple haired girl watched over his shoulder. "That's really cool."

"Um... thank you."

The girl dressed in yellow came over. "I really hate this costume." She looked at the pumpkin Toshiro was carving. "Wow. Have you ever done this before."


"I take back what I said about you not wanting to participate." The girl dressed in yellow sat down in a chair near him.

Ryunosuke piped up. "That was Shino who said that."

"The costume's rather cool. Now that I look at you... you're kind of cute. To bad you're a Shinigami." The girl in yellow pushed back her curls.

Toshiro felt his cheeks heat up. The girl with purple hair still clung to him. "Um..."

"Hey... give him his personal space." Ichigo tapped on the shoulder of the girl with the purple hair. She glared at him. "Give him time to get used to you, all right."

Toshiro watched as the girl with the purple hair went and sulked by the window. The young taicho went back to carving the pumpkin. Rukia came in and turned on the music player and strange music floated out. "We're going to have fun! Aren't we?"

All of the youth in the room stared at her including the young taicho. One of Ichigo's eyebrows went up. "Chappy?"

"I did not use my Soul Candy Ichigo!"

"Says the person whose dye job actually can't wash out."

"Why would you want to wash it out?"

"Because it's weird seeing..." Toshiro's comment was interrupted by Hanataro letting out a rather undignified scream. "... yeah, that."

"Shiba-dono. I mean..." The young member of the fourth division moved around the side of the room and almost sat on the purple haired girl only to jump again. He headed over to the ladder.

"It's me Hanataro."

"I know it's you Shiba-dono." The boy tugged down the surgical mask from his doctors costume.

"Shiba-dono as in the former fukutaicho of the thirteenth or the former taicho of the tenth?" Shino walked in. She stopped short upon seeing Toshiro working away at his pumpkin. "He..."

"He's really nice. "Ryunosuke piped up. The boy found the back half of a horse dumped on his head.

"It's really hard to be in costume with you not there."

"I didn't want to be a donkey! That was your decision!"

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