Graveyard Seek

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"I think this costume is stupid."

Rukia folded her arms across her chest. "Come on Ichigo. Your costume choice can't be that bad. I mean... Kaien-dono happens to be cool."

"You heard Ukitake. He thinks that this costume will in fact scare some of the young Shinigami. Who am I supposed to be Rukia?"

Rukia opened her mouth to answer, only to hear an explosion coming from the inside of the room where the party was going on. She and Ichigo peeked around the corner to see the young captain of the tenth division taking off. "What is going on?"

"I'll go after him."

"Wait... let me find out exactly what happened before you do that." Rukia stepped into the room and saw the young Shinigami and young Quincy glaring at each other. "What happened?"

"Hitsugaya Taicho stepped on Ryunosuke's pumpkin." Shino pointed her finger at the violet haired girl. "And she blew up my pumpkin!"

Rukia took a deep breath. "I'm sure he didn't mean to do that."

Shino folded her arms across her chest. "Of course he meant to do it. He doesn't want to have anything to do with us."

"I'm sure..." Rukia noticed a bag by a bench as Hanataro spoke up.

"He didn't mean to. Someone decided to dunk his head into the apple bobbing tub."

"Seriously..." The small female let out a sigh.

Candace pointed her finger at Shino. "That's not what caused him to step on your friends pumpkin. You kept rattling him and made him step backwards."

"My fault? You're trying to shift blame!"

"Why don't you guys change into your costumes?" Rukia walked over to the small bag and picked it up. "Is this Hitsugaya Taicho's?"

"I think it is." Rin frowned at the girl. "He'll be back right? It won't be fun unless he comes."

"What do you mean? He..."

Rukia glared at Shino. "Couldn't you have tried making him feel welcome?"

"He doesn't like us."

"And how can you know whether he likes you or not." Rukia shook her head. "Please... why don't you guys go ahead and change into your costumes... those of you who haven't yet." She stepped out of the room and handed Ichigo the bag. "Find him."

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