Twisted Pumpkin

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Toshiro held the bag with his costume to his chest as his lips twisted up. He stepped into the room and stopped short. His bright teal eyes widened at seeing the other children, his throat swallowing only to stick from the nervousness felling in the pit of his stomach. Nobody notice the fact he entered the room and instead remained focused on what ever task they were preoccupied with.

Yachiru and another girl were sorting through the bowls of candy and discussing their favorite candies. Hanataro worked on decorating the room with Rin while Rin kept staring at the piles of candy the girls were sorting out. Ryunosuke sat at a table with pumpkins sitting on top. His chin rested on the edge of the table while he watched Shino carve a pumpkin. Rikichi sat leaning back on two chair legs with his arms crossed behind his head. Three other girls sat next to the window chatting with each other.

The girl with magenta colored hair blinked a couple of times as her hands crossed on her lap. She wore a dress in the ama-loli style with red trimmings. The front of the dress used a flat corset front in a cream color. She wore in her hair two pink bows with thin red ribbons attached. Her socks were white knee highs and she wore red ballet style shoes that tied around her ankle.

The girl with blonde hair wore a dress one would expect to see in the Victorian era with a sepia color scheme. The skirt cut off around the hip revealing brown pinstripe socks that went up to her thigh. She wore cowboy boots. Her sleeves puffed out and cut of short. The girl held in her hand two long sleeves that would add length to the costume. On her head was a brown har with a feather in it and her blond hair was carefully styled as if she had spent a good bit of time on her hair.

The purple haired girl wore a white sailor outfit with purple trimmings. Her boots went all the way up under her skirt and she wore a black head band. Toshiro felt as if he had met her before, only to flinch upon realizing that she was the one person to have noticed him when he had come into the room. His throat tightened nervously as he blinked a couple of times. A voice in the back of his head reminded him of something. "She also was turned into a zombie."

Letting out a sigh he looked at the pumpkin Shino was working on. The female Shinigami had removed the top, but hadn't bothered to remove the seeds from inside the pumpkin. She slowly carved out the first eye. The "guts" coming out of the pumpkin caused the boy to swallow. "That looks nasty."

The girl proceeded to cut out the other eye. Not only did more "guts" come out, but the second eye was much smaller. She continued to carve the pumpkin out, butchering the face as she went. When she finished everything she frowned. Toshiro jumped slightly as she stabbed the knife into the pumpkin in frustration. Ryunosuke let out a sigh. "You shouldn't do that Shino."

"How come I can't carve a cool pumpkin like you did!" The girl pointed over to the carved pumpkins over by a tub with water. Apples bobbed up and down in the water.

"I don't know."

The purple haired female crossed her arms. "When are you going to change into your costume Liltotto?"

"I don't want to." The blond haired girl continued to sort through the candy.

The girl with the magenta hair pouted. "Our costumes are supposed to match."

"Match... that's a laugh Mini." The girl glared at the two. "Your guys costumes match your hair colors. Mine doesn't."

"Hey! I'm stuck wearing something that doesn't breath!" The girl with blond hair rolled her eyes. "I think that is a worse complaint."

"So you admit you like wearing skimpy clothes Candy." Liltotto also rolled her eyes.

"Shut up."

Toshiro took a deep breath and headed over to another window and sat on the long bench. Nobody noticed him as he walked around the edge of the room. He set his bag down and pulled one knee up. He let out a sigh hoping nobody would notice him.

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