Blakc Kitty

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Ukitake's nervousness about Ichigo's costume made the teen even more nervous. He looked at the man hoping he would explain who he was supposed be dressed at. Something in the man's eyes told Ichigo that Ukitake didn't know how to explain who the teen was supposed to be. "Rukia..." Ichigo swallowed as he looked at the female Shinigami. "Exactly why do you think that me dressing up as a dead person is a good idea."

"Because it is Halloween."

"That..." Ichigo felt Rukia tug on his sleeve. Ukitake let out a sound and held up to protest. The small female moved too fast and managed to tug Ichigo out of the thirteenth division kitchens. "... honestly, having me dress up like a dead person..."

"... is the creepiest thing I can think of." Rukia continued to tug on Ichigo's sleeve.

"And that is a good thing?"

"The goal of Halloween is to scare people, is it not?"

"Yes. I mean no!" Ichigo let out a deep sigh. "I mean..."

"On top of this Kaien-dono was so cool!"

"And the point is?"

"Well... isn't the other point to dress up as something you admire if something that it isn't creepy? This does both, does it not?"

"Rukia... I don't even know who this guy happens to be. So I can't admire him. But I do find the fact I am dressed like him to be quite creepy. Who is he?"

The small female of course didn't answer. "I heard the party is being held at one of the larger building near the tenth division."

"Yes, but..."

A black cat started walking across their path causing Rukia to stop. Ichigo crashed into the small female and almost knocked her over. The black cat blinked at them a couple of times before sitting down. "Ichigo... what do you think you're doing?"

Ichigo blinked a couple of times. "Lady Yourichi..."

"Sometimes I wonder how males can be so stupid." The black cat reached up one back leg to scratch at her ear.

"Me? Stupid?" The teen pointed first at the black cat. A chocking sound came out of his throat. He then pointed at Rukia. "It was her idea!"

"And you're the one who went along with it. That makes you a moron." The black cat narrowed two yellow cat eyes at Ichigo.

"I didn't realize that she wanted me to dress up like a dead person when I agreed!" Ichigo's voice strained even more. His jaw hung open for a few minutes while he continued to point. "Wait.. don't tell me. You know who I'm supposed to be!"

"I do." Yourichi blinked at the two. "Rukia... what made you think this is a good idea?"

"I read about it in a book."

"This wouldn't happen to be one of those Gothic novels you read?" Ichigo swallowed.

"Yes. This is quite normal."

"Excuse me while I go have a word with someone." The black cat stood up. "You are going to have bad luck tonight Ichigo."

"Bad luck? You mean because a black cat crossed his path."

"No. Because you are a moron to go along with this." Yourichi's tale twitched as she walked off.

Ichigo felt Rukia tug on his sleeve and the substitute let out a groan. His eyes rolled back as he wished he had never agreed to the costume he was wearing. They past by the tenth division and towards the building. Ichigo pulled her to the side to speak to her about the costume choice.

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