Too Much Candy

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Rukia walked back into the room to find that the tensions between the Quincy and Shinigami youth were still running high. She folded her arms across her chest. "Should I cancel this party that Ukitake and Kyoraku Taicho worked so hard to plan for you guys?"

The blond haired girl in costume rolled her eyes. "As if I actually care."

"I like the candy, so I vote we stay." The smaller blond piped up.

"Really? It means that we have to get along with these Shinigami." The girl flopped back down next to the magenta haired female.

"You're the problem." Shino placed her hands on her hips.

"Really? Last time I checked it was you who were the problem. And come on? Why did we have to have these costumes? None of the Shinigami are dressed in there costumes, nor is Lil. Seriously."

The girl with the magenta colored hair pouted. "But I thought we all liked this show. That's why we picked this."

"No..." The blond dressed in costume pointed at the purple haired female. "... she's the main one who likes this show. We don't argue with her."

Rukia took a deep breath. "Come on. Go get your costumes on. I know which division each of you are in, so I will hunt you down if you are not back her in ten minutes."

"My stomach hurts." Ryunosuke groaned.

"Why?" Rukia crossed her arms at the small male from her division.

"I ate too much candy."

"How much did you have?" Shino glared at the boy.

"I had the entire package Ukitake Taicho gave me today."

"All right. Everyone else go and change into your costumes if you haven't all ready." Rukia watched as they left and glared at her. "Don't worry. I'll go and change into mine as well."

She watched as the Quincy girls grabbed Liltotto and dragged her out of the room to put on her costume.

Strawberry Pumpkin Fields [Bleach Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora