You're Back, I Think

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Toshiro's bright teal eyes blinked a couple of times at seeing the familiar face in front of him. The dark hair and aqua colored eyes caused the color to leave his face. The color came back to his face as quickly as it had left and a smile spread across his face. "Kaien-dono. Tou-chan?" Realization hit the young taicho and he felt his chest hurt and his throat burn. He swallowed. "Kurosaki..."


The young taicho stood up and backed away from Ichigo. "How could you!"


"How dare you dress up like Kaien-dono! What kind of sick joke is this! This isn't at all funny! This..." Toshiro felt his breath become strained and could hear it strain as well. This meant Ichigo could hear it as well.

Ichigo scratched his now black head of hair. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry! Instead of being sorry you simply shouldn't have done it!" The temperature around the graveyard dropped.

"I didn't know."

"How could you have not known! You're the one who came up with the costume!"

"It was Rukia's idea." Ichigo held out the bag that held the costume Matsumoto had prepared for him.

"That doesn't change the fact..." Toshiro chocked as tears welled in his eyes.

"... this Kaien person is important to you." Ichigo's now aqua eyes looked at the small taicho with worry.

"He's not!"

"You called him tou-chan Toshiro."

"It's none of your..." The small taicho paused as his head turned away from Ichigo. His bright teal eyes looked up at the teen. His facial features twisted up in concentration. "Remove the contacts."


"Just do it!"

Ichigo sighed and removed the contacts carefully from his eyes. "Why?"

Toshiro stepped forward and pushed Ichigo's hair up with his small hands as his facial features continued to twist up in concentration. His eyes widened and a smile spread across his face again. "Taicho!"

Ichigo grabbed Toshiro's hands and pulled them away, frowning at the small taicho as he did so. "Toshiro..."

A frown spread over the boy's face. "You..."

"What relationship does this Kaien person have to your former taicho."

Toshiro swallowed. He looked away from the teen as his hands came down to his side. "Kaien-dono was my former taicho's twin brother."

Ichigo let out a sigh and crossed his arms chest. "Seriously... I'm going to have words with Rukia for having me dress up as a dead member of my family." He heard a chocking sound from the young taicho and turned his head back towards Toshiro. "What ever is the matter Toshiro? I thought you had figured out who my father is."

"Yes... but..." Toshiro looked away.

"What's you're relationship with this Kaien person."

"It's not..." The small boy took a deep breath. "Kaien-dono and his wife Miyako-dono were working on adopting me. It never went through though. They died first."

"I'm sorry for upsetting you."

"No... I..." Toshiro looked away.

"How about I wash this dye out of my hair while you change into your costume."

Toshiro looked warily at the bag. "I don't want to..."

"Your costume can't be worse then mine can it?"

"Matsumoto said it is a werewolf costume."


"She said it was cute..."

"Ah..." Ichigo scratched his head. "I still think it's better then dressing up as a dead relative."

Toshiro took a deep breath and let it out.

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