Good Night

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The young taicho watched as the young Shinigami and Quincy participated in games including bobbing for apples. Rukia tried getting him to participate in more games, but Ichigo intervened. He joined the other youth when it came time to start telling scary stories. The party finally ended and everyone began to pack things up. Toshiro grabbed the bag Rangiku had put his costume in. He slipped the jar of candy into the bag.

Ichigo pointed at the pumpkin. "Why don't I get this for you."

Two bright teal eyes blinked a couple of times. "Why?"

"I can carry it back for you."

"I got that..."

"You know about Kaien-dono... and him too."

"You know I'm not strong on talking."

"I know."

Toshiro looked at Ichigo. "You're stuck looking like Kaien-dono or taicho for a few days, aren't you."

"Yes. What of it." Ichigo watched as a smirk spread across the young taicho's face. "Toshiro..."

"Nothing. I was just thinking... about something." The boy stood up and looked at his costume frowning.

"Do you want to change before going back to the tenth."

"No. I'm wanting to get to bed."

Ichigo picked up the pumpkin and began to carry it with the candle still lit. "Then lets get going."

"Isn't that dangerous."

"I guess." Ichigo blew the candle out.

"Can you stay for awhile?"

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

Toshiro stopped walking and looked back at Ichigo. "I guess. I liked carving the pumpkin. I didn't like getting my head dunked under water, that girl glomping me or the comments certain people made."

"It did though go better then you planned."

"I got to see Hanataro think you were the ghost of your dad. That was funny."


The young taicho didn't respond. Upon arriving at the division they found no one around. "Matsumoto's out drinking again." The boy tilted his head towards Ichigo. "Are you sure you can't stay the night."

"I'm not sure..."

"You owe me for making me think you were Kaien-dono. Stay for a few days. I mean... you can't go to school with your hair dyed... can you. So you should do what I say for a few days"

Ichigo sighed. "No. It would cause to much problems." The teen scratched his dyed head of hair. "Fine. I owe you."

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