Smashed Pumpkins

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A memory flashed through Toshiro's mind. The sensation of falling washed over him. A cold sweat broke out on his skin as if he had hit the water. He felt himself being pulled under and everything freezing. The voices of the other people could be heard. The pressure at the back of his head that pushed him down suddenly left and a tug came at the back of his clothing. He gasped for breath and blinked a couple of times.

His teal eyes looked down at the tub and noticed the thin layer of ice now floating on the surface of the water. His arms hung at his sides and his fingers remained limp. "What happened?"

"Don't you remember? You almost drowned as a child."

Toshiro moved slightly to feel that someone still had him from behind. His lips tightened and he spun around as he stood up. This action caused the person holding onto the back of his uniform to let go. He found himself face to face with the violet haired girl. "You!"

"You think I was the one who pushed you in? That was Candace."

Toshiro's bright teal eyes stared at the girl as water dripped off locks of hair. He found himself swallowing as he took in the others in his view point. Shino was sitting at the table while Ryunosuke looked at him with a horrified look on his face. He felt a hand touch his shoulder cauasing him to swallow again. Hanataro's voice came from behind him, the tone quite worried. "Are you all right Hitsugaya Taicho?"

The young taicho swallowed again. "All of this... this was a bad idea. This..."

His nostrils flared and the voice in the back of his head spoke again. "You know full well you want to participate. You just don't know how."

"I told you he doesn't want to participate in the party and play games with us." Shino piped up. Ryunosuke opened his mouth to say something. The girl stood up and poked Toshiro in the chest causing him to take a step backwards. If you don't want to be here then why don't you leave."

Toshiro found himself taking another step backwards. As he stepped backwards he felt something crunch under his foot. His face twisted up into a grimace as he felt something wet and gooey slip under his sandal and into the sock of his uniform. He swallowed as he looked at the girl. Ryunosuke's head darted up. Something told Toshiro that the other boy was about to burst into tears. "I just managed to step on his pumpkin, did I not?"

He watched as the purple haired Quincy girl placed her hands on her hips, her mouth twisting up into a frown. The purple haired girl's mouth opened up. "Hey..."

"She's mad at me as well..."

Shino turned to look at the girl. The purple haired Quincy flicked her finger and an orb went flying at Shino's mutilated pumpkin. The pumpkin began to glow before suddenly exploding. Toshiro felt pumpkin 'guts' hit him in the face. He reached one hand to wipe the pumpkin guts onto the ground. A frown creased his facial features. He felt his chest tighten. "I can very well take care of myself!"

The next thing he knew he was flash-stepping out of the room.

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