A Tense Training Session

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The vast realm of Gemina seemed a lot more peaceful since the evil queen Necrafa had become nothing more than a horrific memory. And it was all thanks to the mighty defenders of the realm, the Mysticons. In particular, Mysticons Ranger and Dragon Mage, who in truth were fraternal twins or the Royal Family, Zarya and Arkayna.

Both used all powerful rings to morph into twin dragons in order to take down both Necrafa, and her diabolical Spectral Dragon. It was a real earthquake for sure, not only a did they have to stop the apocalypse, but they also found the revelation that the two Mysticons in question were in fact related. It was a lot to take in for sure.

In the meantime, nighttime befell the wondrous metropolis of Drake City. Aside from the normal hustle and bustle, the city seemed quiet. Not much villainous activity took place, and not many dark forces were at work. Yet, even in such times of peace, trouble could still spark at a moment's notice. In the ever so secret stronghold of the Mysticons, the silence of the halls was broken by the sound of clashing metal and magic projectiles.

It was a free for all match, last warrior standing would be the winner. The Mysticon's ever so diligent solon, Zorlon, along with his two assistants Malvaron and Doug, were watching with much anticipation to see with of the girls would be the victor. Poor Doug was just biting his own nails, the suspense to see the winner was killing him.

Zarya was going one on one with Arkayna. Both the twin sisters appeared evenly matched at first, both trading blows but neither were able to land a good hit.

"What's the matter, Arkayna? Getting sleepy?" Bantered Zarya, hoping to get Arkayna's goat. Ordinarily, Arkayna would banter back, not afraid to spark friendly competition. Yet, to Zarya's surprise, Arkayna didn't say a word, instead wearing an intense look on face. When Arkayna pushed Zarya off, pretty harshly no less, the younger twin stared as Arkayna stood firm, in a battle stance.

Zarya smiled a little, ready get back into it. "Ready to train for real huh? Fine by me!" With that, Zarya charged and the two engaged once more.

Meanwhile Em was battling Piper. This battle was a bit more one sided, favoring the faster, more agile elf. For sure Em had an advantage when it came to brute force, but it meant nothing if she couldn't land a single hit on Piper.

"Hold still you slippery elf!" Em said, running out of breath after a while of futile swings of her sword.

"Awe, wittle dwarf having a hard time keeping up?" Piper playfully mocked, still full of energy. It was times like this when Em somewhat envied Piper.

After dodging a blast from Em's sword, Piper jumped high in the air and threw her hoops at Em, Zarya, and Arkayna, all of which narrowly dodging the attack. The three girls thought they were safe until the hoops bounced from the walls and back at them.

Em got tagged by one of the hoops from behind, knocking her off her feet. Meanwhile, Zarya deflected the other hoop with one of her magic arrows. Arkayna, however, just raised her staff and incinerated the incoming hoop without even flinching. Both Zorlon and Malveron raised their eyebrows at the display. Both were impressed, yet at the same time concerned, at Arkayna's approach.

"Bugbears!" Em shouted, embarrassed that she was caught off guard. And so there were only three. Zarya knew she would have no problem with Piper, having known her for at least three years. As Piper somersaulted in the air, she dived down at Zarya, only for the the more street smart girl to dodge the attack and catch the elf girl in a bear bug hug, lifting her from the ground.

Yet, before either could do much else, both were caught off guard by Arkayna. Both defended themselves as if their lives depended on it as Arkayna as swiping her staff at them fiercely.

"Whoa, ease up!" Cried out Zarya, trying hard to block Arkayna's strikes.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Arkayna blasted a fire ball at both Piper and Zarya, both landing hard on the ground. As both looked up, they saw Arkayna's staff pointing at them, glowing. Arkayna herself had a stone cold look on her face.

Everyone in the stronghold seemed nervous, no one knew what Arkayna was going to do next. Much to their relief, Arkayna merely planted her staff firmly on the ground, standing tall and stoic.

"I win.", Arkayna bluntly said.

"So you did." Replied Zorlon, with a stern raise of his eyebrow. He then tapped his own staff on the ground twice. "That will be it for training today. Rest up, tomorrow is a new day."

And so Aryana stormed off without saying so much as a single word. As everyone left the room, Zorlon could not help but stroke his goatee, with a concerned look in his eyes.

"That seemed a little... intense." Malveron said, as he was walking with the three other girls.

"That would be putting it mildly." Replied Em, with an understandably worried look.

"For a moment there I thought she was gonna..." Piper said nervously. The poor elf looked spooked. Sure, she had seen Arkayna angry multiple times, but she had never seen her this tense before, much less toward her fellow Mysticons.

"Hey don't worry, Pipes." Zarya assured, placing her hand on Piper's shoulders. "Arkayna would never go that far." At least, that what Zarya hoped. She did not want to show it to the others, but she too was rather unnerved by her sister's behavior. What's wrong with you sis?

Arkayna, still in Mysticon form, barged into her room, going straight to her mirror. Without putting much thought into it, she untied her ponytail and let her ludicrously long hair flow, shaking her head a little to loosen her hair a bit. As she stared at her reflection, she took a deep breath and began talking to her reflection.

"You are the Dragon Mage. You've got power that you could only dream of. You and your sister destroyed Necrafa for Gygax's sake!" That last sentence resulted in Arkayna banging her fists on the top of her shelf. She then put on a disheartened expression. "So then why are your parents still bone statues?"

Arkayna had never felt such a strange combination of anger, and sadness. Could nothing be done to save her parents? It did not seem so, especially with all powerful codex completely drained of power, not to mention Dreadbane went missing. With all these thought in her head, Arkayna was beginning to fear the worst.

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