From Not so Humble Beginnings

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Creed sat proudly at his desk. Even though he knew that Princess Arkayna still had time to spare, he knew he had the upper advantage. Surley, there was no way he could lose in this situation.

"Boys," Creed said to Charlie and Nixon. "Go guard the entrance, as soon as our lovely princess arrives, bring her to me."

"You got it boss!" Both twins said in unison. As they left, one of Creed's butlers comes in. He seemed like black mamba anthro, and unlike his master he did not have legs, so he slithered like a normal snake would. He still had arms, wish he used to hold a platter with a bottle of red wine and a glass. He then poured said wine in said glass, which he offered to his master, who was happy to accept it.

"Mmm, taste the heavens" Creed said, taking a sip. He then sat his drink down to count his coins.

"Excuse me, sir." Said the Butler, in a deep yet elegant voice. "Might I inquire something?

"By all means Seragus, inquire."

"It occurs to me that you are very good at luring poor unsuspecting people into your deals, case in point the Princess. Yet, I know you did not get that way over night."

"Your point?" Creed replied in a cold tone.

"W-well sir..." Seragus's tone suddenly got weaker and more nervous. Perhaps he hit a nerve."What I meant was, you never did tell us of your origins. If it's alright, what got into this... line of work, so to speak?" There was a good long silence after that. Seragus was definitely of Creed's most loyal servants, he would never dream of insulting his master in such a way. He could only hope that he was not overstepping his boundaries by asking this. To Seragus's relief...

"What is the best way to put it?" Creed replied, much more relaxed. "I suppose it started out as a mission to live up to a certain someone's expectations. However, over time it became much more than that. Listen well."


It all started around thirty years ago, in a small town known as Alar. It was a rather ghetto neighborhood, as I recall. Back then I was under the name "Hectillius Fang". As a young lad, I tried my best to fit in with their society, but I was often ostracized and avoided due to being a venomous species. Or at least, I thought that was the reason at first.

As I was growing up and spent more time with my father, Octeros Fang, I began to notice a recurring theme. He was very much... respected. For instance, when we went for sustenance, we always ate for free. In addition, when he said so much as a small word, everyone stopped and listened. Everywhere we went, we always got special attention.

What's more, there was always a look of fear in everyone's eyes. For the longest time, I assumed it was because he and I were venomous. And certainly, that was part of it, for my venom is enough to drop a diamondback cave crawler within in a few hours. Once I came of age, however, he told me an eye opening truth... Octeros Fang was a nefarious mob boss. His very presence was frightful. When you stared into his eyes, you might as well have been staring into up your own coffin.


"That was when I decided to take part in his criminal activities, and perhaps even fill his seat as mob boss in his little organization." Creed then took another sip of his wine, surprisingly comfortable talking about his past.

"And I'm assuming he was never impressed with your efforts? If that's alright to ask." Seragus cautiously inquired.

"Oh no, he was very impressed. Perhaps, a little too impressed." Creed said with a mischievous smile, as if he was proud of that fact. "I became a prodigy at the field of crime..."


So much so that the my father was actually afraid that I would overthrow him. So he set me up with a simple bank robbery. Once the alarm set off, I tried to run, only to be caught by some sort of mystic bubble.

"Father, please help me!" It was no use.

"Sorry, dear boy, but the realm already has an infamous crime lord, and that's me." Octeros's tone was as deep and cold as can be, he smiled wickedly as he left me to my fate.

Local authorities locked me up for one full year. When I refused to rat my good for nothing father, they subjected me to five hours of torturous, nonstop twinkly mare commercials! Most might think this silly, but trust me, hours on end of those damn ponies was enough to drive any mortal creature insane.

Over the years, my outlook on life grew much more indifferent. I felt as if my father taught me something after that fateful day. Then, realization hit me like a ton of bricks... in order to get your way, you have to cold and ruthless.

After serving my debt to society, I went back to my life of crime, gathering all sorts of help along the way. When word got out that I was free, my father finally visited me, after five years. He wanted to congratulate on my efforts. To celebrate, we shared a toast. Little did the old snake know, I poisoned his drink with cane toad poison, which I purchased from witches.

With Octeros's last breath, "You filthy... heathen! Mark my will..."

He never got to finish. Death came almost immediately. I was quite satisfied. Now, I controlled all his men, as well as all of Alar's criminal underground. Yet, would I settle? Of course not.

After the event, I decided to legally change my name into Creed Slitherwick, the name you know today. That's when I decided to move to Drake City, where I became a Realm renowned philanthropist, as the perfect cover. Yet, I soon found the city flourished under monarchy. Toiling to elevate myself to the Royal Family's power and wealth was quite excruciating.


Creed's smile grew ever wider as he finished his tale. "And now, my patience had finally paid off. In under twenty four hours, I'll finally rank so high! I will be a god with that disk. That is, assuming the princess complies."

"I must say, sir." Seragus said. "I knew you were callous, but poisoning your own father...I never could have imagine. Though, I suppose in hindsight it makes sense."

"That's just the wonderful game of business, my friend." Creed said, holding a few cards he pulled from his desk. "To win against any competition, family or otherwise, you must hold all the winning cards." Creed then revealed the cards in the order of a royal straight flush.

"Hey, boss!" Charlie called out, catching Creed's attention. "Guess who arrived." As he and his twin, Nixon, walked in, Arkayna walked in as well, holding not only the Dragon Disk in her hands, but over her shoulder, she carried the lifeless body of Zarya, her own sister.

"The deed, is done." Arkayna said, her tone cold and indifferent.

Creed was pleased with this success. Finally, he got everything he wanted, and more... or so he thought.

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