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Arkayna stood firm, her expression cold as ice. In her left hand, she held the legendary Dragon Disk. On her right shoulder, she held the lifeless body of her own sister, both by blood and bond, Zarya.

"Ha, excellent!" Creed said, all too happy with the results. "To be quite honest, I was starting to doubt if you would go through with your end of the bargain. I must say, I've never been so happy to be wrong."

"Just shut up and give me my parents." Arkayna replied with indifference.

"Ah yes, of course." Creed snapped his fingers, signaling Charlie and Nixon to bring out the bone statues of the King and Queen. Arkayna was moving toward them, until... "Come now, the disk and lifeless husk first."

"Fine." With that, Arkayna tossed Zarya's body near Creed's desk, and tossed the disk to him.

"Yes, finally. The power of the disk, is all..." Creed's gleeful expression suddenly turned to shock as the "disk" seem to have disappeared. "What... WHAT?!"

Arkayna's expression then turned from cold, to mischievous. "If you don't mind, we have something to say."

"W-w-we?" Creed said, his voice cracking a bit. From that moment, the seemingly lifeless body of Zarya jumped right from the floor and somersaulted next to Arkayna.

"Syke!" Zarya said, smiling triumphantly and pointing her magic arrows at the nefarious serpent. Before Creed knew it, Piper and Em bursted from the vent shaft, knocking out Charlie and Nixon as quickly as they did so.

"You're surrounded Creed, no way out!" Shouted Em.

"Yeah, you've got two options!" Piper said, gritting her teeth at Creed.

"Either surrender our parents..." Arkayna started

"Or you're in for a world of hurt." Zarya finished.

Creed then wore a wrathful look in his eyes, hissing with rage. "Insolent harlottes!" He hissed. "No one double crosses Creed Slitherwick! No one!" Without moment's hesitation, he used his tail to hit a button underneath his desk, which sounded an alarm. Almost immediately, henchmen were coming out of the woodwork, surrounding the girls. The barrage of henchmen were a mix of constrictors and venomous individuals. Creed was so certain the girls had met their match... he was wrong.

Very quickly, the girls were making short work of all the henchmen. Arkayna and Zarya stood back to back, taking down as many as they could. Piper took down a fair bit as well with her various pixie blasts and hoops. One cobra anthro almost sank his fangs into her, only to be intercepted by Em's shield, which broke the creature's fangs. "Guess you bit off more than you could chew, huh?" Em remarked, to which Piper laughed.

Creed started to get very anxious, his tail moving erratically. If snakes could sweat, he would have done so that very moment. His men were falling like flies... and he knew he'd be next. Out of desperation, he wrapped his tail around the two bone statues, and made a run for it. Zarya caught wind of this act, shortly after punching the teeth out of a boa henchmen.

"Dammit! He's getting away!" Zarya Shouted. "So much for the plan."

"Arkayna, Zarya!" Em called out. "You two go after Creed!"

"We got this!" Piper added. As both the elf and dwarf held off the oncoming horde, Zarya and Arkayna then looked at each other, shook their heads yes, then pursued Creed.

Creed ran as fast as he could, yet he could still hear the footsteps of the twins behind him, running fast. Seeing the door leading to the library, he quickly hid. Upon reaching his temporary safe haven, he began to hyperventilate, followed by pacing the floor frantically.

"Th-th-this is it!" Creed said to himself, paranoid. "They'll find me, and when they do..." he shuddered to think. Less than four months ago, he would never have felt threatened by Zarya, seeing her as nothing more than a lowly street rat and a nuisance. Meanwhile, he always viewed Arkayna as a dainty princess. Yet, at this moment, since discovering of their Mysticon abilities, he had new reasons to panic. Worst of all, he majorly pissed them off. What will I do?! After all these years of using fear to his advantage, Creed finally knew what it was like to be afraid himself. And sure enough, he would spend a lifetime in prison for his treason. I need to get out of this! I need...

Creed trailed off for a moment. It was as if inspiration struck. He noticed one of his canes in the corner. This wasn't like the other two canes. Where the other two had gold snake heads, this one had a red snake head, an open maw, and what appeared to be a button on its head. He then wore his wicked smile. "I've been saving this for a rainy day." The callous crime lord said under his breath.

Outside, Zarya and Arkayna were knocking down every door they saw, looking for Creed.

"Where are you, ya cowardly snake?!" Zarya called out

"Keep looking." Arkayna said, using a low voice. "He can't hide forever."

"You're right. I can't." Before both twins knew it, there was Creed, formally standing there, with his red headed cane. "Nor do I have any intention to."

From there, a silent standoff took place. Both Zarya and Arkayna pointed their weapons at Creed, not taking their eyes off him even for a second.

"Gotcha now, Scale Face!" Zarya said

"Why yes, dear. It seems you do." Creed replied, smug as ever. "Would one of you care to make the first move?"

It suddenly occurred to Zarya that something was off. After all, just a few moments ago, he had been running from them like a rabbit from a fox. Where did this sudden confidence come from? Zarya had a bad feeling about this, and her instincts were rarely wrong

"Don't mind if I do." Arkayna said, ready to give Creed the trouncing of a lifetime for blackmailing her. "Stay put sis, this slimeball's mine!" With that, Arkayna lunged at him, her dragon staff glowing. Perfect. Creed thought. He raised his cane in the air, pointing it at Arkayna

"Arkayna, look out!" Zarya shouted, jumping right in front of Arkayna. As Creed pressed the button on the snake head, a blood red dart shot out from the heads mouth and landed hard on Zarya's arm, causing her to scream in pain.

"Zarya!" Arkayna cried out, quick to tend to his sister, removing the dart.

Creed smiled intently. "Not necessarily my intended target, but this should be entertaining all the same."

"Entertaining?! What are you talking abo-" Arkayna then felt a sudden slice on her right arm, to which she yelped in pain. She looked briefly at her arm and saw she was bleeding. She then turned to look at Zarya, who was holding her bright blue dagger, which had fresh blood on it. "Zarya, what gives?" When Zarya turned to look at Arkayna, she had piercing red eyes, and gritted her teeth, pulling, another dagger appearing in her hand. Arkayna looked horrified.

"Vexaway canisters. A wonderful product wouldn't you say?" Creed said. "I managed to acquire them, and fill them with my own dark rage. Took my smartest men a while to convert it to liquid form, but they did it. Good news is, this strain is not contagious. Bad news is..." as Creed trailed off, Zarya charged at Arkayna, giving a war like cry, ready to stab Arkayna, who blocked the attack just in the nick, just as Creed finished his sentence. "Aggression is amplified tenfold."

Arkayna looked directly into Zarya's eyes, with tears no less. "Zarya... please..." before she knew it, Zarya kicked her back through a wall, leading her to the library. Arkayna managed to pick herself up, hurt badly. She looked on at Zarya approaching her, growling every step of the way.

"Ha! This is going to be fun." Creed said, his smile full of glee.

From there, Arkayna knew what she had to do... she had to fight her own sister.

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