The Invitation

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"Breaking news!" Said Serena Snakecharmer, as a large crowd of concerned citizens surrounded the Royal Palace. "This just in, Queen Goodfey and King Darius have been kidnapped... or statuenapped in this case. As you can hear, the crowd is just going wild over their sudden disappearance."

"I thought the Royal Guard were supposed to keep intruders out of The Palace!" Shouted a furious Dwarf. "What kind of lazy guard are they hiring anyway?! The Mysticons are out there keeping our city safe, and the guard just lets the King and Queen get captured?!" The crowd only got louder from there.

Back in the strong hold, where the girls were powered down and getting patched up, everyone watched the TV intently. Arkayna especially had a look on her face which seemed to be a combination of rage and sorrow. Malveron was using a healing spell to heal her bloody wounds, his hands placed on her shoulders when doing so. The warmth of his hands would ordinarily comfort her, yet this time it was not enough, as the news continued further.

"When asked about the sudden disappearance, King Gawayne had this to say!" Serena said as the footage of Gawayne was shown.

"I understand the concerns of the citizens. But mark my words we will find the low lives responsible for this..." Gawayne trailed off upon looking at the camera. Apparently, there was just enough glare for him to stare at his reflection. "Oh my goblin, that pimple's still there!" To which the vain king ran out, crying. Not surprisingly, that made the voices even louder.

"I still can't believe this." Zarya said, in a shocked tone. "The King and Queen... Mom and Dad... stolen, just like that."

"It doesn't make any sense!" Em exclaimed, "The Royal Guard should have been at every door, no way am intruder could get in."

"Everyone, hush." Zorlon firmly said, awaiting further development.

"Information is sketchy at this time, one thing is certain is that these mystery thieves have an axe to grind with the Royal Family. What that is, is anyone's guess. This is Serena Snakecharmer, signing off!"

"Ssssssstay tuned." Said one of Serena's snake hairs, as the she signed off.

"Whoever these thieves are, they are good at covering their tracks." Malveron pointed out.

"I'll say." Agreed Zarya. "Me and Pipes have pulled some big heists back in the day, but this takes the cake."

"No worries!" Piper enthusiastically said. "Sooner or later, these creeps will slip up, and we'll find them."

"Yes." Arkayna said coldly, tightening her fist. "We'll find them... and make them wish they were never born."

That caught Zarya off guard. Previously, such violent acts of revenge was her thing, and as she recalled it was Arkayna and present company who tried to break her out of the habit. And yet, here they were.

"Excuse me, are you the same Arkayna who once told me that "we don't do revenge"? Or is she not in at the moment?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you forget that my parents were just stolen?" Arkayna retorted, "That our parents were just stolen?"

"Girls, that's enough." Zorlon said, trying to intervene, though his words appeared to have bounced off both the twins.

"Hey, I'm not any happier about this than you, Princess. But, we can't just-"

"You just don't care!" Arkayna shouted, completely flying off the handle.Piper and Em stepped back, feeling this argument could use some wide berth. "You never even loved them as much as I do, which is why you won't do anything to help them now!"

"Hey! It's not like that okay? Besides, excuse me if I never knew them long enough to ever care for them!" Zarya quickly covered her own mouth after saying that. Arkayna then wore a very shocked expression, which slowly turned into a scowl. "Arkayna, look... I didn't mean it like that."

"No... I think you did." Arkayna said in an angry tone. She then proceeded to walk out of the Stronghold. Silence flooded the stronghold until they heard the door slam, causing everyone to flinch.

"You had to open your mouth, didn't you?" Malveron irritably said.

"Hey, lay off her!" Piper jumped in, quick to defend her friend.

"Yeah mage boy, lay off!" Zarya repeated, already irritated.

"Whoa guys, easy." Doug said, getting between everyone

"Yeah, just calm down." Em added. Both her and Doug tried to stop the argument, but to no avail. It wasn't until Zorlon slammed the bottom of his staff on the floor when everyone fell silent.

"Hasn't there been enough squabbling for one night?" Zorlon sternly said as he approached his students. "Don't drive each other away, now is a more important time than ever for all of us stand together."

"But Zorlon," Zarya said, "Arkana's becoming hostile and pulling away more from the team, you heard what she said. What if she ends up doing something she'll regret?"

Zorlon could not help but ponder that thought, stroking his beard. With that thought, everyone in the room had faces of uncertainty on their faces.


As Arkayna stormed her way through the halls, out came Gawayne, feeling ever so self conscious of his face.

"Hey step sis, is my face okay?" Arkayna did not answer, instead walking past the spoiled king. "Hey! I'm talking to-" His sentence was cut abruptly short upon hearing the door of her room slam, causing him to shriek. For once, Gawayne used his better judgement and started walking away... to change his pants.

In her room, Arkayna again stared into her dresser mirror. This time, tears of rage were filling her eye. Those tears soon became green flames, and her hands soon ignited as well, burning the desk of her dresser. In the nick of time, a knock on the her door snapped her out of it, the flames immediately vanished. A second knock on her door definitely irritated her as she stormed there.

"What!?" Arkayna shouted, expecting either Gawayne or Zarya, but it turned out to be the Palace Butler.

"Um... ahem... a letter for you... Princess Arkayna." Butler hesitantly said, taken aback by this sudden outburst. Quite a feat since he's normally emotionless. Arkayna took a deep breath before taking the note, feeling a bit bad for startling him like that.

"Thank you, Jerome. Sorry, I snapped, I...I just want my parents back."

"I understand." Said Jerome, having a genuine look of care in his eyes. "If you need anything, Princess, please let me know."

As he walked away, Arkayna took a moment to reflect on her recent behavior. That moment would not last, for as soon as she opened the letter, shock filled her face, as she read.

Dear Princess Arkayna Goodfey,

I have your parents here at my HQ, which shall remain discreet if you wish to see them again. No harm will come to them as long as you meet my demands. Meet me at address, 401 Serpent's Ave. in the Undercity, tomorrow around midnight. Only then will we discuss my terms.

Sincerely, Creed Slitherwick

Arkayna could hardly believe her eyes. Creed Slitherwick? The realm renowned philanthropist? He seemed so friendly in the past news stories and on the papers, never would she have expected anything him to be an evil doer. Then again, the naive Princess never suspected Tazma to betray her either the first day they met.

A strong part of Arkayna wanted to sick the Royal Guard on him. However, based on what the letter said, she was afraid they would be shattered to dust if she ever did. It certainly did not help that she was still at odds with her fellow teammates, her sister Zarya especially. However, she thought she had one ace up her sleeve.

"Sorry Creed," Arkayna started, with a tense look, "Princess Arkayna can't make it. But don't worry... the Dragonmage is coming for you." And with that, she transformed, ready to confront the nefarious serpent and give him what for.

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