Boiling Point

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Creed was running quickly. Ever the brilliant mastermind, he made escape tunnels underneath his hideout, should any pursuers try to chase him. For a moment, it seemed to have worked, so he stopped to catch a breath. Then, that one familiar voice he hated so much could be heard from a small distance.

"Hey, Scale Face!" The enraged Zarya called out. "Come over here and face me!"

Damn it all, it's Zarya. Creed was so close, all he had to do was exit and push the button on his remote to destroy his hideout, leaving no evidence. That was difficult, however, with a pursuer on his tail. He would have detonated the place right then and there if he didn't value his own life. Still worn from running, he took to the shadows, hoping to ambush the wrathful rebel with his last resort... envenomation.

"Where are you, Creed?!" Zarya walked through the tunnels, her mystical bow at the ready. What's the matter, Scared?!"

Anger shined like a beacon in her eyes. Creed had been getting away with murder for far too long, and she was ready to end this, one way or another. One step at a time, she pointed her bow at every direction, remaining vigilant. For every step she took, Creed's lurking shadow got ever closer.

Without warning, Creed lashed out from the shadows, his fangs fully extended to inject his lethal dose. Just in time, Zarya turned and blocked the attack with her bow, Creed biting down on it, venom dripping from his fangs. Zarya then pulled backward and flipped the serpent over. Creed then tried to tail whip her. With quick thinking, Zarya fired a particularly sharp arrow and cut about a foot of his tail off, causing him to hiss in pain as that small portion of his tail wriggled on the ground erratically.

"That won't ever grow back!" Creed hissed. "You will pay for that, Moonwolf!"

With one last lunge, Creed once again extended his fangs, only for Zarya to dodge and kick him to a wall, falling on his back afterwards. Finally seeing her opening, she shot a neon rope around his jaws, closing them shut. After that, she shot another rope around his body, wrapping him up like a present. She then pinned Creed to the ground, aiming a lethal arrow mere inches from his throat.

"Tonight, it all ends." Zarya said, her tone cold as hard steel, as she readied herself to fire at point blank range.

Creed's mind was racing. Is this how it ends? Am I, the Kingpin of crime, Creed Slitherwick, destined to die at the hands of a worthless street rat?

"Stop!" Cried out Arkayna, just before the final blow could strike. There she was, with holding her hand out to her sister. "Zarya, don't do this!"

"Don't try to stop me, Arkayna!" Zarya snapped. "This dirt bag is goin' straight to hell! He needs to pay!"

"I agree, Zarya, but this isn't the right way. He'll go straight for the Royal dungeon, there we will answer to his crimes."

"Oh, don't be stupid!" Zarya was pulling her arrow further, ready to unleash her deadly arrow. "He'll just find a way to escape, and when he does he'll start something like this all over again! Admit it, you feel the same way, don't you?!"

Arkayna then looked down on the floor, her expression disheartened. "I'm not going to lie... the very moment I found out he took our parents, I lost it. The minute he revealed them to me, all I wanted was to incinerate him... I wanted him dead." Arkayna then looked at Zarya, with a firm look.

"But you know what stopped me? I remembered something very important. My parents never raised a killer. Did yours?" With that, Arkayna dropped her staff. Whatever happened, she made it clear she wasn't going to stop her. "Go ahead, show me."

Zarya then turned her attention once again to Creed. With her rage filled eyes, she prepared to him. Yet, Zarya seemed hesitant, her arms quaking. What's the matter? Just kill him, you know you want to! She knew she had no restraint. So, why did she feel restrained? That was a rhetorical question, she knew exactly why. Arkayna was right, Zarya's adoptive parents never raised a killer, not a stone cold killer anyway.

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