Duel of The Twin Stars

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Piper and Em have just about finished clearing the bombardment of Creed's henchmen. Em was panting and sweating like no tomorrow, while Piper was not even close to being tired. If anything, she seemed amped up.

"Wow! What a rush, huh Em? C'mon, let's find more!" Piper said ever so enthusiastically.

"Hold... on... a sec... Pipes." Em replied, trying to catch her breath. "We need... to catch up... with Arkayna and Zarya." Suddenly, Piper felt a little twitch of unease in that remark.

"Yeah... I guess we do." Piper said, scratching her wrist.

"You alright Piper?" Em asked.

"It's just... If we find Arkayna and Zarya, chances are we'll find Creed too. And... I'm not sure I'm ready to face him head on." Piper began forming tears in her eyes.

"Piper, you're a Mysticon. You can mop up the floor with him!"

"But, he killed my parents! I've been running from my past for so long... I'm not sure I'm ready to face it. What if I freeze? He envenomated them... and I was helpless to do anything."

That was when the young Dwarf began to realize the gravity of the situation. Ordinarily, the kind hearted Em would cheer up the normally jovial Elf, telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. Yet, at that moment, she didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry, Piper. I can't pretend that I know what that's like." Em placed both her hands on Piper's shoulders, meeting her eyes. "So I can't pretend to know the answer. But it's like Zorlon always tells us. We can either let our past haunt us, or we can face our past and learn from it. Right now, you need to face your past, the lives of the King and Queen, now more than ever, depends on that."

Piper was still uneasy about this situation, but she knew Em, was right. This was not the time to run and hide like the scared child she was before, time to be a hero and help her new family.

"You're right Em. Now let's catch up with Arkayna and Zarya. They couldn't have gone far."

"Alrighty, lets go!"

Just like that, both Mysticons took off in the halls to find their sworn sisters. Little did they know, both the teammates in question were taking "sibling rivalry" to new heights.


Tension filled the library as Arkayna and Zarya collided with their weapons. The rage infected Zarya let out blood curdling screams as she tried to rip her own sister to shreds. Arkayna, on the other hand, fought much more defensively, not wishing to hurt Zarya in the slightest, trying in vain to get through. Creed was enjoying this very much. He knew that, one way or another, one of them would not survive.

"Zarya, listen!" Arkayna said, keeping both of Zarya's knives at bay, "You're better than this, you have to fight it!" It was no use, for Zarya pushed her back, and continued her aggressive assault.

"You're wasting your time, Dear." Creed said smugly. "She's already too blinded by rage to listen to reason. In other words, it's kill or be killed."

Zarya then launched in the air as she summoned her bow and fired a bombardment of arrows. Arkayna dodged as many as she could, with two actually hitting her.

Arkayna still couldn't get over the situation. For as long as they knew each other, Arkayna and Zarya fought side by side. Whenever an evil doer came after one of them, the other would always come to their rescue. Arkayna never expected to one day fight her own sister to the death. And yet, here they were, doing just that.

Creed took a quick look at his pocket watch as the fight continued. "Well, ladies, as much as I'd love to stay, I have pressing business to tend to. Good bye." He tipped hit top hat as he casually left the library.

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