Plan in Motion

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On the roads of the ever bustling Drake City, Kymraw and her large gang of orcs were leaving mass destruction in their wake.

"Ride road rangers!" Kymraw said, holding her ax high into the air. "The roads are ours tonight!"

Hot on their tail, Arkayna and Em, who were already in their Mysticon forms and on their trusty griffins, unleashed a series of blasts from their weapons, trying to take out as many orcs as they could. Unfortunately, they missed almost every shot, only adding the destruction.

"Ugh, Gygax damn it!" Arkayna shouted in frustration. "What's taking Zarya and Piper so long?!"

"You called them about a minute ago, right?" Em said. "They should be soon."

"They better be." Arkayna said, with a tense look on their face. Against her better judgement, she and Izzy dove right down at the road rangers.

"Arkayna wait!" Em pleaded, but it was no use, Arkayna was too quick. "Grrrr, at least we know stubborness is one thing you twins have in common." She irritably said under her breath. With that, she and Topaz dove down to join her.

Kymraw wore a big smile of malice, she was thoroughly enjoying the destruction she was causing. "Kymraw should do this more often." She chuckled.

"Hey, Kymraw!"Arkayna called out, quickly catching the troll's attention. "Pull over now, and I might consider not grinding your bones to paste... and that's a big maybe."

"Ha! Kymraw never was afraid of dainty Dragon Mage, and Kymraw never will be!"

With but a swipe, Kymraw shot out a wave of energy that Arkayna and Izzy narrowly dodged. Arkayna's expression tensed up even more. It was definitely on.

"Fine then. To tell you the truth, I was kind of hoping we'd do this the hard way!"

Turning Izzy hard, she used all the griffin's weight to ram Kymraw from the side, pushing her right into an old warehouse. Kymraw flew off her bike, crashed right through the wall, and fell hard on her stomach. Arkayna, however, jumped right into the the large opening, and landed firmly on the ground, her fist pounding the ground.

Kymraw brushed the dust off as she got off from the ground, laughing while doing so.

"Best crash ever!" The Kymraw said, her fists in the air. Arkayna then pointed her staff at the troll.

"I'm giving you one last warning. Give up, or you're in for a world of pain." Arkayna said in an ice cold tone.

"Oh?" Questioned Kymraw. "And how you do that when you outnumbered?"

Before Arkayna could blink, she was surrounded by a large number of Kymraw's vicious gang of orcs. Despite the odds, Arkayna seemed unsettlingly calm, and ready to fight. Two orcs already tried swiping at Arkayna with their weapons, only to be met with her staff slamming hard in their faces, knocking out a few teeth in the process. A few more were blasted back by her staff before one tried to cut her with a knife, which Arkayna narrowly managed to dodge. She grabbed the orc, and threw him across the warehouse. She then felt a little irritation on her cheek. As it just so happened, the orc with the knife left a small cut, as a small amount of blood seeped out. She did not let this deter her, and instead kept fighting.

Yet, overconfidence was getting the better of Arkayna. Before she knew it, one orc caught her off guard, as he bear hugged her from behind, pinning her arms to her sides, and chomped down hard on her shoulder, causing the trapped princess to scream in pain. Arkayna struggled to break free, but the harder she fought, the tighter the hold became, and the more the orc dug his sharp teeth into her shoulder. In front of her, another orc held a knife that spelled certain death for the fierce Dragon Mage.

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