A Venomous Deal

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The next day had already come, and Arkayna could not get out of the palace fast enough. She waited for everyone to fall asleep, every last person in the palace. She paced the floor ever so impatiently, checking her watch every moment. Her stomach was full of butterflies, for her parents were in the hands of a madman, and he'll only give them back if she met his terms. One of them, not bringing anyone but herself.

Arkayna checked her watch one last time. Midnight, surely everyone was asleep. Okay Arkayna, it's now or never. She slowly opened her door. No guards in the halls so far. The night shift must have already made their first rounds, and guarding the front entrance. Though, it was not the guards she was worried about. It was her fellow Mysticons she was concerned about, especially Zarya. Without a second thought, Arkayna formed into the fabled Mysticon Dragonmage.

As stealthily as she could, Arkayna moved her way to the balcony. A few patrol guards here and there, but she slipped by every one of them. When she finally made it to the balcony, she took in the view for a moment, standing firm, and her long, lush hair blowing in the breeze of wind. She thought about calling Izzy over for a moment, but the last thing she wanted was to cause the griffins to screech in the air, potential waking everyone. With that, she simply jumped into the air, using her bracer to sling across town with bright green strings.

Little did Arkayna know, not all the Mysticons were asleep. In fact, there stood Zarya in the shadows, already in her Mysticon form. She anticipated Arkayna would do this. Well, she was right. Where are you goin', Sis? Not wanting to blow her cover, Zarya stayed to the shadows, following her sister across town. Luckily, stealth happened to be the Zarya's forte.

Arkayna eventually made her way to the Undercity, Zarya quietly following suit. She was immediately uneasy when she saw exactly where she went. Serpents Ave, one of the most dangerous streets in the Undercity. Up until this point, even Zarya would never set foot here.

Immediately, Arkayna started checking all addresses she could find, no stone unturned. "Where is that parent stealing slime ball?" Arkayna said under her breath, gritting her teeth. Zarya, still in the shadows, was scratching her head in confusion, she could have sworn that she heard Arkayna say "parent".

Meanwhile, Arkayna was growling in frustration, feeling she was on a wild goose chase. Then, finally, she found it. 401 Serpents Ave. At first glance, it seemed rather homely. How could such a classy sophisticate like Creed possibly thrive here? Only one way to know for certain. She managed to find a vent shaft, and went inside. Zarya, on the other hand, watched in shock and horror. She knows this address all too well.

"Damn" Zarya whispered to herself. She then pulled out her com on her wrist. "Yo Em, get Pipes and meet me in the Undercity, ASAP"

"Why? Do you know what time it is?" Em said with a yawn.

"Let's just say, it's way time for an intervention."


Sure enough, Creed Slitherwick was there, counting his profits in gold, no doubt pillaged from those in his debt, in the comfort of his office, wearing a wicked smile on his snake-like face. Suddenly, he noticed his fireplace went out, most peculiar indeed. This didn't frighten him however, point in fact he was actually expecting company tonight. Creed chuckled with delight.

"That's very cute, not many can sneak into my office like that." Creed said, turning his head slowly to Arkayna, who was standing just behind him, with a look of seriousness on her face.

"Cut the chatter." Arkayna said, with a hint of anger in her voice. "I know you have the King and Queen. On behalf of the Royal Family, I'm here to retrieve them."

Creed Chuckled. "Right to the point are we? I deeply respect that. Won't you have a seat, Miss Dragon Mage?"

"Just Dragon Mage, and no, just hand over the King and Queen, and no one gets hurt."

"Very well, Dragon Mage. Or do you mind if I call by your other name...Princess Arkayna?"

This shocked Arkayna very much, How could he possibly have found out? "Wh - what?! How did you know?"

"Do I look like a fool child?" Creed replied, "You're the exact same height, same hair style, same eyes, and same exact voice. Now one might think this is coincidence, but I never miss a trick. Not to mention you're here when I mentioned my proposal to the princess. Oh, and one interesting clue gave it away." He then projected two photos from his bangle phone, one with Arkayna and company in their civilian attire, the other in their Mysticon forms.

Arkayna gasped loudly, realizing she had fallen into a trap."You tricked me!" She said, furiously.

"Ha! Figured that one out on your own didn't you?" Creed mocked. "Now, as promised..." He then clapped for Charlie and Nixon to bring in her bone statue parents. She looked on in disgust at this despicable act. "I know what you're thinking, how did I manage to abduct them?" Creed then pulled out two shape shifter stones, using one of them to shape shift into Arkayna briefly. "Magic, mighty handy wouldn't you agree princess?" Creed mocked in Arkayna's voice, changing back soon after, then tossing them to Charlie and Nixon, who used them to morph into two palace gaurds.

Arkayna's eyes began to glow green with fury, pointing her staff at Creed with hostile intent. "You heartless bastard! I have a good mind to incinerate you until not even your ashes are left!"

"Oh my, a little grim are we?" Creed said, still smug as ever, "Go ahead then, show me what you've got." He sat there, daring her to.

Arkayna lit up her staff, point blank range. There was no way Creed would survive. And yet... She recalled what she almost did to Kymraw back at the warehouse. She almost killed her. Her mother never raised a murderer. With that she dropped her staff, her eyes stopped glowing, and she sank to the ground, sobbing her eyes out. Creed couldn't help but chuckle, moving toward Arkayna while doing so.

"Just as I thought, even with all that power you're still pathetic and weak!" The nefarious crimlord then stroked the mewling princess's hair. "Aw, don't feel bad dear, I' still willing to help."

"Y-You will?" Arkayna said, wiping away the tears in her eyes.

"Certainly." Creed said, retaining his wicked smile. "Anything for the Royal Family. That is, if you'll do me several favors. Favor one, bring me the Dragon Disk. After all, why settle for becoming king, when I could have the power of a god?"

Arkayna seemed confused. Without the power of the Codex, the Disk was practically useless. However, Creed did not seem to know that. This could work to her advantage. The second favor, however, was far more gut wrenching.

"And favor two... bring me the lifeless body of your sister, Zarya Moonwolf."

"What?!" That turned Arkayna's gut. She guessed that Creed was twisted, but never this twisted. "You seriously expect me to kill my own sister?! Fat chance!"

Creed then wore a cynical frown. "Very well, perhaps I can make the decision easier for you." He then pulled a timer from under his desk, setting it down and started the countdown. "I'll give you twenty four hours to come to a decision. Once Time is up, and if you're not back here to give me your final answer..." Creed then snapped his fingers, to which Charlie and Nixon pulled out sludge hammers, aiming them at the King and Queen. "Well, lets just say it will be a pain to clean up all the dust."

Arkayna then stared at her parents, horrified by the thought of them being pounded to dust. Was she about to make a deal with a devil? Never in her life had she felt so trapped. Meanwhile, Creed smiled. If she decided yes, then Zarya would be out of his life, he would get the Disk, and the Mysticons would be down a warrior. If she decided no, then the King and Queen would be broken to pieces. Whatever the outcome, he knew he would win.

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