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WARNING: This chapter contains content which may cause some problems for some viewers. Scroll down to the bottom to find out the content, that may stir some. However it does contain a spoiler. (duh)
No it's not NSFW.

If you didn't know:
Zak: Skeppy
Darryl: BadBoyHalo
Vincent: A6D

K thx enjoy


Prologue ~

He looked at the faraway scenery mountains. The top was just hit by clouds layering the sky.

This was definitely better than Zak had originally thought it would be. Usually when Darryl had said 'it looks nice' he actually meant, 'it's not terrible but mediocre', but Scotland was actually beautiful.

"Wow," Zak said.

This seemed to catch Darryl by surprise. When Zak said 'wow' he was usually being sarcastic, but this sounded real.

"Zak, did you seriously just say 'wow' un-ironically?" Vincent asked from the back of the small car.

"Pfft, does it matter?" Zak asked back, scoffing.

"Sk- Zak you never say 'wow' un-ironically, it's strange," Darryl said glancing beside him at Zak before looking at the road again.

"Oh, yeah- yeah sure, your SO right!" Zak sarcastically says, not quite believing himself.

"Oh,my, goodness, you really don't!" Darryl half shout back. Vincent slightly laughs. They all go back to being silent.

Zak looks beside him - out the window - at the tall towering cliff beside him as they drive past it. He looks up at the rocks and tree's disturbing the mountain side.

Darryl looks beside him at Zak.

Darryl smiles his warm smile as he sees Zak fascinated by the mountain.
He'd hoped that Zak would be happy.

He was.

They had all decided to go on a temporary vacation not busy. Scotland didn't seem to be, so far. This was... perfect.


All he could hear, was the soft sound of Zak's breathing and the tyres on the road travelling fast bellow them. Darryl got so focused on the sound that he didn't realise Zak take his phone out of his jeans pocket.

"Hi guys," Zak said.

Almost straight away it was obvious that Zak was streaming their journey. Darryl sighs, quietly. He'd have to put his 'YouTube personality' on. Neither Zak or Darryl had told their viewers about their relationship yet. They hadn't planned to.

"Today, I'm hear with the french guy and a dumb muffin," Zak looks towards Darryl as he says this.

"OH MY GOODNESS SKEPPY, I SWEAR I WILL STOP THIS CAR!" He raised his recently quiet voice. Although on the inside on the outside, he attempted not to.

Zak was reading the chat as well as attempting to fit all 3 of them into the stream frame.

"We are just heading to the rented house we have for a week hopefully Bad doesn't get us lost," Zak says, rolling his eyes.

"YOUR THE ONE WHO ALWAYS GETS LOST YOU MUFFIN!" Darryl shouts again. Zak laughs again.

"That is true," Vincent says, adjusting his glasses as if he was some kind of genius.

"Look, I told you!" Darryl says accusingly.

Darryl hit the pot hole before he saw it.

It wasn't his fault.

The road was perfectly flat leading up to it.

Darryl lost control.

He swerved the car to avoid the tree to his left and turned suddenly to the right.

Instead the far car fell into a ditch in front of a sheep field.

The front of the car hits the bottom in milliseconds, crushing it's front and sending glass shards everywhere.

It takes a second for Darryl's vision to clear.

When it did the first thing he saw was the dimmed glow of Zak's phone which lay in his limp hand.

He heard a soft moan from Vincent who was reaching for his glasses that had landed in the front of the car.

It took a more than a second for Darryl to notice the metal part in his leg.

And even less to lose consciences.



666 words bois!

This is set like halfway through the story, so its a sneak peak prologue.

Ok I have some of the next chapter planned out and the base of the story but plz plz plz suggest stuff bbh and skep (and maybe a6d?) could do.

Oh yeah btw I wrote this in Scotland.

If you read my other stuff I will be happy kid. If you don't you will have big insomnia.

Kk thx ily bye

Stop // skephalo (old) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें